Masquerade Me

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Werewolves. They were everywhere, but the humans failed to even guess their presence. Of course, there were always stupid conclusions about us, that were immediately resolved by idiotic controversy between themselves. The only true way they didn't believe we were real, is because we blend in so well with the humans.

I sat in my dad's car, for the first time in ten years. My mom had just kicked me out yesterday. My life was a total mess. My older brother had been murdered by our alpha, right in front of our own eyes. I had screamed and screamed until the point that they had to knock me out. 

"Margo, you okay?" My dad asked me, snapping me out of my dark thoughts. 

I nodded, still staring out the window. Truth was, I'm not okay. My brother was slaughtered right in front of my own eyes, just two months ago. Would anyone who had to go through that be 'okay'? Yeah, I didn't think so either. 

Darius, my old alpha's, face popped into my mind. I mentally shuddered at the thought of everything he had done to me. 

Finally, my dad and I pulled up to a familiar house. I was greeted by an overwhelming scent of a new pack. I hopped out of the car and grabbe one duffel bag, my dad grabbing the other two. He led me up into my room, now painted a light blue color with pea green bedding. 

"The alpha will be here in an hour, Margo. Do you need anything?" He spoke. 

I shook my head, "No thanks," 

Curtly, he  nodded, then proceded to exit my room. I sighed, plopping down on my bed. After about five minutes, I stood back up and started putting my clothes away and arranging everything in my room the way I liked it. 

About an hour later, as expected, the doorbell rang. I walked downstairs and sat across the desk from a young alpha who I couldn't help but feel attracted to. 

"Hello, I'm Alpha Wesley," He said, sticking out his hand while smirking slightly. 

I shook his hand, "Margo Jones," 

We sat back down and began to talk. For some reason, I felt so unbelievably comfortable with him, even if he was an alpha. And even if I never wanted to be in an alpha's presence again. I felt, happy, almost when we talked together. 

Within an hour and a half, and him initiating me into the pack, Alpha Wesley left and I walked up to my room. That night, for the first time in ages, I fell asleep with a smile on my face. 

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