(Daddy!Haruka x Mommy!Reader) .:Anticipation:.

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You were in the kitchen when your son called you.

"Yes, (S/n)?" You bent down to your 4 year old son (S/n)'s level. His (e/c) eyes were shining.

"When's Daddy coming back?"

"He's coming soon, don't worry."

You sighed as you stood up and continued making dinner.

Haru had been away for so long. It had been almost 3 months... He was competing in lots of competitions. Most recently the Olympics. You had shown (S/n) every race he was in, and he often called you to make sure you were ok. He was such a sweetheart when he wanted to be.

You continued cooking when you heard a banging at the door. You hesitantly went to open it, not expecting anyone that day.


A little figure threw itself at you. You smiled as you wrapped your arms around the little girl.

"Sorry for barging in like this, (Name). Ayano wanted to see (S/n) and I wasn't sure if Haru was back yet." Makoto's voice rang in the air.

You smiled. It was always nice to have him and Ayano visit. Too bad Haru wasn't there though.

You were talking with Makoto for a bit while (S/n) was playing with Ayano.

"Have you heard from Haru recently?" Makoto asked. "Yes and no. He didn't say exactly when he was coming back to be honest. But he said that he was bringing home a surprise!" You wondered what it could be. Something for you? Or for (S/n)? He would probably get you all something, you hoped.

You had been waiting for the moment he would come home for so long now, you couldn't wait any longer!

Just then, you heard the door open and a thump. Who was that? Was it... Haru?

You picked up (S/n) while Makoto picked up Ayano and you both went towards the front door.

There, you saw Haru looking exhausted. He was wearing his Iwatobi jacket, along with a shirt with a dolphin on it, with black sweatpants. You had to admit though... He looked really sexy.

(S/n)'s eyes sparkled as he cried, "DADDY!!" He jumped down from your arms and ran to him, Ayano doing the same crying out "Uncle". He bent down to their level and ruffled their hair. He picked up (S/n) and looked towards you. Your eyes were tearing up. You ran towards him and hugged him as tightly as you could, not wanting him to leave ever again. He hugged back, (S/n) was squished in the middle of the hug. You giggled. It had been so long since you saw Haru in the flesh!

Makoto also greeted his friend, and, after talking a bit and having dinner, Ayano and him headed back to their house since it was late and (S/n) went to bed.

That left you and Haru.

Or so Haru thought.

"H-Haru... I-I'm pregnant."

A/N: Ok so just to clarify Ayano is NOT supposed to be Yandere-chan (didn't even know about Yandere simulator then) so she isn't going to kill everyone for her senpai (̑̑)

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