(Normal AU!) .:Blue Distance:.

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Deep in the silent water

Flutter beads of light...

The warm water surrounded you as Haru's angelic voice filled your ears. How you loved his beautiful voice. It was so passionate and loving. Whenever you listened to it, it would brighten up your day.

I entrust my heartbeat that seems

To overlap with the silence, melting together...

His voice enchanted you, like a snake charmer charms a snake. You felt somehow at peace. You submerged yourself deeper into the water, covering your whole body except the upper half of your face.

While feeling the course of everything

That combines into one, I accept it.

Your thoughts went to the blackette and all of his adorable yet strange quirks. He was your true love, your soulmate.

I know a place only my own

Where no one's voice reaches...

You loved this man more than life itself. He was all you truly cared about. You couldn't ask for anything more than just him.

There is something more important than winning or losing...

You started singing along with him, however, your tone was melancholic...

It's the scenery that always occupies my mind...

Salty tears fell down your cheeks one by one. Your voice cracked, forcing you to stop singing.

You couldn't take it anymore. The pain was too much to take. You broke down, knowing that you couldn't mask the truth any longer.

And that is etched into my memory...

It had been two long years since Haru had disappeared. You looked night and day for him when he first vanished. You still never knew why he disappeared in the first place. No one knew. He just... did.

Listening to his song, you noticed that the lyrics felt like they had some... Special meaning behind them.

Like they weren't just lyrics of a song.

Your eyes widening, you realized where he had gone all this time. He had gone to the place he always loved the most... The place where he felt at peace...

The blue distance.

Nanase Haruka x Reader One-shotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora