(Normal AU!) .:Dreams:.

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When you're a child, you can't wait to grow up and do everything adults could do. You want your childhood to zip by and you want to show everyone you're a grownup person. You want to be independent, able to do things on your own. You want to move out from your parents', and you want to find someone you love, get married and have children, then grow old and be happy.

This was your childhood dream, and you couldn't wait for it to happen. You had planned exactly how you wanted everything to happen, and you expected it to happen just like that, no interruptions or issues.

What you didn't expect though, was that not everything in life goes your way.



Your sobbing could be heard throughout the playground. Your crouched figure was underneath the slide as you cried your little heart out.

You had just moved halfway across the country, with new people and new surroundings. You left your old friends and everything you knew. The new children weren't so keen on playing with you, so they left you alone and went to play with each other.

You were lonely, and you wished you could have gone back home where you had many friends.

"Are you ok?"

A quiet voice breaks your crying. You looked up to see a little boy your age with black hair and piercing blue eyes. You looked at him, afraid that he may do something to you.

"N-no..." You stuttered, burying your face into your arms.

"Why?" His blunt answer threw you off a little.

"I-i wanna go home!" He looked at you with the same bored expression.

"...Where do you live?" You looked up, tears hanging from your eyes.

"(Place)... My parents told me I had to move here... I don't wanna stay here!!" His eyes widened a little upon learning how faraway you lived.

"I'll take you there." Your eyes grew wide as you gasped.

"R-really?" He nodded.

"One day... I'll take you there." You smiled widely at him, your tears long gone.



"Oi, (Name)!"

You looked behind you to find your friend Rin Matsuoka walking towards you.

"What's up Rin-chan?" The maroon-haired boy looked annoyed by the honorific you added to his name.

"I keep telling you not to call me -chan! It's annoying, you know?" You giggled then stuck your tongue out at him.

You and Rin had been friends ever since Haru had introduced you to his other friends in kindergarten. You two were close now, having a brother-sister relationship with each other.

"Anyway, I was going to ask you if you had seen Haru around at all. He's been avoiding me today." You furrowed your eyebrows. It was unusual for Haru to act strangely other than his usual 'quirks'.

"Not today, sorry. Maybe ask Mako-chan if he's seen him?" He nodded, taking his cell phone out to call the brunette.

You left once Makoto picked up, having to attend a club meeting. You didn't want to be late after all!

In high school, you were a very popular girl. Hanging out with the attractive boys had its perks, other than getting glares from all the other jealous girls. You joined many clubs and still managed to get stellar marks and watch the Swim Club while they were practicing. You were the ultimate high-schooler.

Nanase Haruka x Reader One-shotsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu