(Daddy!Haruka x Mommy!Reader) .:Birthday Party!:.

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You were tying the balloons to the doorpost when (S/n) came bounding up to you happily, obviously excited for the party.

"Yes (S/n)?"

"When is Daddy gonna come?" His (e/c) eyes were sparkling with excitement. He had been waiting for this day for a couple months now.

"Soon. After he's done his swimming practice, he said he would come home right after."


(S/n) ran to your living room and plopped on the couch before turning on the TV.

You turned your attention to your 1 year old daughter who was nestled away in her crib. You smiled as you returned to your work of placing the decorations.

Ring ring!

You took out your phone and checked who was calling. You pressed the 'talk' button.

"Hello, Makoto? What's up?" You held the phone between the side of your face and your shoulder, trying to tie more balloons onto another doorpost.

"(Name)? (Name)! We have an emergency! Haru's going home early!!"

You gasped, almost letting go of the balloons in your hands. Him coming home early would ruin the whole party!

"Mako? Keep him there as long as you can. Push him in the pool if you have to." You said as you finished tying the knot of the balloon strings.

"Eh... Really, (Name)? Ok, if you say so. But we'll probably be there in half an hour or so anyways. Bye!"

He hung up, leaving you wondering how on earth you were going to finish decorating this place by the time Haru came home. Sure, it was pretty festive already; the balloons and the banners with 'Happy Birthday!' written on them hung all around your house. You had prepared the food already as well. You really just needed to get (S/n) and yourself dressed. The only problem was... Everyone would be arriving at the same time as Haru.

You started dialling everyone's number, telling them to come earlier. They all understood thankfully, and it wasn't long until you all were in your house, ready to surprise Haru.


You all quietened when you heard the jingling of keys outside. You were all crouched so Haru wouldn't see you.

When he opened the door...


Haru's eyes widened instantly, his figure froze. Did you shock him that badly?

"Happy birthday Haru!!" Everyone yelled as they all swarmed around him to give him hugs, pats on the back, and to talk to him. He just kept nodding at every person who came up to him, a little smile every once in a while.

Until you went up to him of course.

"Happy birthday Daddy!!" (S/n) went to give Haru a big hug as you stood there with your little daughter (D/n) in your arms. Haru smiled when he saw his son and hugged him back, a gesture that shocked everyone. You went up to Haru after and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Happy birthday Haru." You grinned at him before noticing (D/n) squirming around in your arms, reaching her own arms out to Haru. You passed her to Haru and he took the opportunity to kiss her and he even laughed when he saw her adorable face. You all laughed and then the party finally got started!


"Bye guys! Thanks for coming!!"

You waved to Makoto, Nagisa, and Rei as the last people at your party walked away. You closed the door behind you and sighed. It had been a successful event, you had to admit, but you were so tired that you just wanted to sleep.

You walked over to the living room to find Haru asleep on the sofa along with (S/n) and (D/n). They looked so adorable together, you had to restrain yourself from squealing at the sight.

You walked over to them and sat next to them, closing your eyes and eventually falling asleep as well.

After all, what was the perfect way to end a birthday?

Getting some well-deserved sleep.


Never mind...

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