You Can't

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There are people out there who say "you can be better"

and so you try and fit their standards to the letter

but then they find something else on which to complain

and you just keep changing feeling nothing but pain

and the cycle continues and you forget who you are

and the people will look on saying "I've seen no progress so far"

and you're out there starving your life wasting away

you wanted approval something you never heard them say

"you can be better you can be better you can be-" no! you can't

you try to appease them and their hateful rant

but let's back up a bit when do you start to listen?

when did you condemn yourself to this sad prison?

a whole ocean of water can't sink a boat

unless you let water in it, it will continue to float

so next time don't listen they just want to bring you down

because you're better than them by whole heaps and bounds

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