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(This is actually a song, but its a pretty good poem too)

There is a city in the east

A city stained with red

Under, there's a Necropolis

With all the city's dead

The dead do not like visitors

Don't set foot in their home

For if you do, the dead will wake

The barren street they'll roam

The city does not welcome

Travelors beware!

For if you find the Necropolis

You'll join the bodies there

While many men have sought it out,

I've knowledge that they lack

I try to tell what they don't know

Ignore and ne'er come back

Parties great and numbers few

Try there fortunes there

But they are ne'er heard from again

Nor seen in hide or hair.

But where is this Necropolis?

From where must you depart?

Its no place on this blackened earth;

In every person's heart.

Again, I warn you stay away!

Don't wake the evil there!

For 'Necropolis' is all unhappiness,

All darkness and despair.

Necropolis, Necropolis

Of rotting flesh and bone.

Necropolis, Necropolis

Inside the ghosts will roam.

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