Heart broken💔

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(Back at the bunker with Castiel  ,Dean and Gabriel this is what happening while Sams asleep in the cage. Also Sam and Gabe have been together for 2 years and dean and cas have been together for 4 years)

"Dean"cas says in a low Soothing voice.
Dean looks at cas with tears flooding down his face down to his neck and down his shirt "cas my little brother that I have been protecting since I was 6 years old is stuck in the cage with Lucifer and Michael." "Dean u can't blame your self no expected this to happen." Then Gabriel but's in "this is completely your fault Dean your supposed to protect him. Not let him make dumb choices to get himself trapped with Lucifer and Michael you should have thought about it better you should have found another way now my wonderful moose is stuck."dean cried harder and cas glared at Gabe and said "Gabe you ah e made your point now go to sleep we will try to game plan tomorrow to see if we get Sam out of the cage okay?" Gabe nodded and headed back to Sam and his room. He knew it was gonna be hard sleeping by him self he missed Sam so much he just hoped he was okay. Gabriel and dean cried them selves to sleep last night. Dean slept while cas rubbed his back and kissed his head then said "goodnight dean." They all slept the only noise heard was the little sniffing coming from the two bed rooms. While Gabe slept he held Sams favorite pillow and held it close to him his tears covering the pillow case.

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