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Lucifer woke up first on this cold morning and rolled over to a sleeping Sam Winchester. He moved over closer and kissed Sams forehead. Then says "Sam will u please get up we need to have a little talk." Sam is awake and looks into Lucifers beautiful blue eyes. "Yes Lucifer what's up" Sam says kind of worried. Lucifer has a big frown on his face and says "Sammy today is your last day with me since you leave tonight and I want you to know that I really like you. And I know this is kind of hard to hear but you can't tell anyone the truth about what happened here especially Gabriel you tell them I tortured you okay just anything or Gabe will kill me and be angry at you Sammy. When you leave you can take the big red fluffy blanket with you think of a lie about that to just if you ever really miss me look In the little pocket of blanket I left u a surprise." Lucifer said with a little smile. Sam nods and hugs Lucifer as hard as he can.  Sam keeps holding Lucifer and says "I'm gonna miss you luci." Lucifer smiles and says "what if you don't have to miss me I could see you in secret of course but could see you?"
"How" Sam says in a confused tone. Lucifer smiles and says "one thing about that spell there using is if I am touching you when the spell happens when your taken out i can get out to but I will let go before we reach the bunker so I don't get caught and I can get Nick back as My vessel I will cause no harm Sammy I just wanna see you please let me?"
Sam looks straight into Lucifers eyes and says " no harm you will only see me and lay low the rest of the time" Lucifer nods and says "I will stay in a hotel or something I won't even return to hell sammy so can I go with you?" Sam nods and kisses Lucifer deeply. Sam and Lucifer decide to not watch movies all day because they would of focused on the movie not each other so the just slept together under the big red blanket all day then the clock hit 6:00pm.
Sam grabbed his blanket and held it in his hands while Lucifer quickly kissed him then put his hand on Sams shoulder they were ready.

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