□ Saying "I Love You"

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Because after that last one, I feel as if I need to make it up with something softer. First "I love you"s y'all.

○ Doesn't even think about it at first. He answers with an "I love you too" before it hits him like a truck.
○ Turns to face you with his jaw slightly agape. Then he breaks out the biggest dimpled grin.
○ Lifts you off your feet in a hug.

Scarlett is known as "the heartbreaker" for a reason. She's never said "I love you", mainly due to the fact she's never been in a relationship long enough.
○ She doesn't answer at first. She just stands and stares.
○ Her mind starts screaming at her to answer, and she tells you she loves you more than every star in the galaxy.

○ Surprisingly chill about it.
○ "Hell yeah, what isn't to love about me?"
○ She'll give you a thumbs up and a "I love you" back. Again, she's pretty chilled out about the whole thing.

○ Oh boy. Does those three words accurately sum up just how much Kal loves you?
○ He doesn't answer at first, but he does draw you into a hug and give your forehead a kiss.
○ He tells you that he "loves you more than words can adequately describe."

○ He wants to offer some sass. Or crack a joke. Or even be smooth enough to answer with an "I love you too."
○ But you mean the world to him, and he wasn't told very often growing up he was loved.
○ He finally manages to sputter out something about how he loves you too before he starts crying. Gives you so much affection afterwards, it's adorable.

○ She's been told "I love you" by her parents when she was a tiny child, but she's not heard it in over twelve years.
○ She ends up telling you what particular chemicals the brain releases when it's in love.
○ After you stand there awkwardly waiting for her to finish her telling you how love's a neurochemical conjob, she'll tell you she believes her brain releases "C8H11NO2+C10H12N2O+C43H66N12O12S2" for you.

Nearly starts skipping around she's that happy. She's a big dork when it comes to love, honestly.
○ Gets right up in your face to tell you that she loves you too.
○ Expect a lot of surprise kisses throughout the day. She goes around with the biggest grin on her face for the rest of the day. It's nice to be told she's loved again.

TO THE MOON AND BACK, the aurora cycle one-shots and preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now