□ Nightmares

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The Squad + Dariel reacting to you getting a nightmare :) requested by everyone's favourite Cinnclair

○ If you toss and turn a lot during the nightmarish episode, he'll probably receive an elbow to the ribs and wake up- to which he'll promptly wakes you up.
○ Sits up and pulls your head into his lap- gently playing with your hair or tracing your features.
○ Once you calm down he'll ease you out of his lap and wraps you in a tight embrace, promising to be your knight in shining armour.

○ Scarlett's very attuned to her partner. If you're having a nightmare, she'll probably wake up regardless of whether you've been moving about.
○ Wakes you up gently, murmuring to you softly about how it's "just a dream" and "you're safe."
○ She'll stay up with you- even if you don't end up sleeping for the rest of the night.

○ There's a 50/50 of her waking up if you flail having nightmares. Chances are she'll kick you in the shin and groggily tell you to stop squirming- which in turn wakes you up.
○ If you tell her you had a nightmare, she'll soften a little. She props herself up and starts tracing shapes on your arm and asks what happened.
○ Pulls you into a hug, pressing your back against her chest and holding your hands in reassurance she's right there.

○ At the sight of you whimpering or shifting or murmuring in your sleep, he physically can't stop himself from waking you up- fearing you're in pain.
○ Eases slightly once you wake up and tell him it was a nightmare. Hey, at least your organs aren't shutting down or something.
○ Asks if you want to talk about it- sometimes dreams sound more ridiculous outloud.

○ Doesn't want to wake you up and feel bad if he ended up calling it wrong, but he'll pull you closer and hug you tighter.
○ If, or when, you do wake up, he'll be there. He's not great at offering advice or making promises, but he'll ask if you want to talk about it.
○ Expect to end up watching dumb videos on his uniglass until you guys fall asleep curled up together- any thoughts of the nightmare abandoned.

○ She'll watch you, but refuses to actually wake you. She understands nightmares, and hates having them, but knows sometimes the mind resolves them and it's better than waking up during them.
○ If you wake up of your own accord though, expect Zila talking in her surprisingly soothing tired voice and explaining how nightmares work.
○ Sits you up in bed and holds your hands as she gets you to do breathing exercises with her.

○ Has her fair share of nightmares too. She'll wake you up if you have one, and she hopes you'll do the same.
○ She doesn't like to talk about her nightmares, and unless you voluntarily tell her, she won't ask about what happened. She'll simply weave your hand into hers and place a kiss to your forehead.
○ Takes you on a walk with her around the station, ship or building you guys are currently in to clear your mind.

○ A little bit of a heavy sleeper. You might have to shake him awake if you need comfort.
○ He's unsure of how to help, propping himself up and gently taking a hold of your hand. He'll ask if you want to talk about it. Regardless of whether you do or not, he'll find a drawling news article on politics or something to that degree to read you back into sleep.
○ Gives you a gentle kiss on the forehead before you pass out and murmurs that it was just a nightmare.

Uhhhh skrt skrt my guys I guess. Throwin some self promo out there that the second book of my aurora rising fic has it's first chapter out because what's a book without some promo right?

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