□ Heights

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OKOKOK so this was requested by Cinnclair and it's about their preferred heights for their S/O's and any height headcanons I have for the squad + Dariel + Saedii

○ Canonically nearly as tall as Kal. I picture him at a solid 6'2".
○ Probably doesn't mind whatever height you're at! He's got a real "It's the personality that matters" ideal.
○ If he had to pick, he'd probably say smaller just so he can give forehead kisses.

○ I know Scarlett's shorter than Tyler but I still picture her being an inch taller than him at 6'3".
○ Need I remind you about the fact she's sad some boys won't date her because they get weirded out by her being taller? :(
○ Likes shorter people! I mean, she likes everyone, but much like her brother if she had to choose. It's less about the forehead kisses for her, and more about the fact she's like "aweee aren't you a cutieeee"

○ A small lady, but not actually that small. Somewhere between 5'5" and 5'6".
○ Marginally has a preference for taller people. She has the bigger energy in a relationship, but she doesn't mind having a taller S/O.
○ Likes stealing your jackets too if you're taller! Hehehe!

○ Tall lad. I'm pretty sure he's the only one with a canonical height, with Tyler mentioning it in book one. About 6'4" or 6'5".
○ Has no preference for short or taller people! It's about the emotional connection :)
○ A slightly related headcanon but this man has p e r f e c t posture. It's a blessing and a curse. Makes for an excellent dancer with the right posture, makes for a killer trying to walk through doorways.

○ Lanky boy! About 6'1" but has such a bad slouch. Seriously, get this boy a back brace because he looks about 5'11".
○ Tall people! Because it's all the better for getting to be the little spoon. Of course though she doesn't mind. Shorter S/O's are very much welcome.
○ Anyone who shows him love regardless of height is a win for him so I mean-

○ According to Kauffman, Zila is "Nearly half the height of Jay Kristoff" (who is 6'7") which would make her around 3'4"-ish. I picture her more along the lines of 4'11" though.
○ She's canonically said "Not taller girls" but I do get the vibe she might be into them still. She probably likes a solid medium height because it means she doesn't look absolutely tiny.
○ Has a bit of a slouch. It's nothing noticeable, but her shoulders roll forward and her back hunches slightly.

○ One of the smaller ones on the team canonically, but I don't picture her being tiny. Maybe about 5'3" or 5'4"?
○ Probably another one who has a mild preference for people taller than her. It gives her the opportunity to steal your clothes and have them look longer on her.
○ Ok gets a little defensive about her height. "You're like what? 5'3"??" "I AM 5'3" AND A B IT THANK YOU."

○ Not as tall as his cousin, but probably comes in about 5'9" or 5'10".
○ Dariel has alternating preferences. For a girl, he'd like if she was shorter- on the contrary he'd like a male if he was taller. If you're an NB then he probably doesn't mind either way.
○ Everytime Finian or another member of the family comes around he subconciously straightens up and measures whose taller between him and the other.

○ Probably comes in about 6'5" or 6'6". I know, Kal's supposed to be built like a unit but I always pictured him with a more athletic build and instead Saedii to be hella built.
○ Knows it's a little unlikely she'd find someone taller, so she's started to develop a preconceived ideal of her S/O being shorter. Of course, she doesn't daydream about love all to often and has just resulted to a "When the Pull happens, the Pull happens" kind of mentality.
○ Has and always will held it above Kal's head (quiet literally) that she's the tallest. Her posture's impeccable because of it.

I really do just wanna go feral and live in the woods sometimes but the second I see a spider I scream.

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