*cue ninis british accent*

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hi guys i'm annie! i want to write for all of season one but i feel like if your reading this you've already read some season one fan fictions so i'll just do a short summary of how i think things went down. and by short i mean kinda stupidly long. it'll go on. sorry! hehe hope you enjoy!

livs pov
After being at auditions for hours my butterflies practically had mini seizures inside of me when my name was called from inside the large audition space. The other girls came out smiling, every time. They all stared when they walked in and out, blushing. I hoped I didn't have that basic of a reaction to the guy who was obviously in the room. I just wondered who it was. The women at the door smiled at me holding the door for me. I was feeling drained but at the same time I felt excitement and fear all over me. I walked in. I felt my body freeze but my smile grow bigger. My face wasn't burning up yet, that's a good sign! The boy inside was smiling at me, looking surprised. I recognized him from something, I couldn't put my finger on what, though.

"Hi! I'm Josh." The boy said. I could feel a chemistry instantly, but thinking that I also felt a feeling of guilt come over me. I thought of Ethan and froze.

Not for long though, barely a millisecond passed and I smiled back at Josh. "I'm Olivia. Olivia Rodrigo." I said turning to the casting agents. Josh kept looking at me while I interviewed. He was off to the side but focused on me and what I was saying. I told them my experiences, social media presence, and about my song writing on instagram. The centered casting agent looked over to Josh, asking him how he felt about me. He just smiled giving a look of approval. I assumed he was already cast. Josh and I had a scene to preform, he gave me a signal to start. I felt like he knew what he was doing since he's been on repeat all day for each Nini. He definitely was rooting for me. He couldn't stop smiling when I opened my mouth. We finished the scene and Josh motioned for me to bow. Everyone in the room clapped and the two of us just stood there laughing. We were then told to try find a guitar or something, learn a song while they went through other auditions. Outside of the room I found a girl I knew holding a guitar. "Hey you!" I said with the biggest smile on my face.

"Livvy! What's up!" The friendly face said.

"Not much. Me and Josh over here were told to try find a guitar and learn a song, do you think we can use yours?"

"Of course! Good luck!" She handed me the acoustic guitar and we walked away.

"Mission complete!" I said quietly to Josh. He kinda just looked at me, I had no clue why but it was different than what I had expected. He looked at me the opposite of judgey and more impressed. I felt myself blushing as I hit him in the shoulder. "Stawp it," I said in a babyish tone.

"You're good at this, you know. Auditioning. And talking to people. It's cool."

"Seriously, I don't deserve this!" I said smiling. He stopped but smiled back. The two of us learned the song "Count on Me" by Bruno Mars. I loved throwbacks so singing this song and then landing the role after was super cool.

I had given Josh my number to get to know my new co-star, and he texted congratulating me. We found out some of the other cast members and talked about how cool the show would be. It's cool getting to know him. We found each other on social media so thank God I didn't have to tell him I had a boy friend. He could figure that out on his own.

Not that I cared. Or anything. We didn't even have that much chemistry. I mean. Maybe.


sorry for the short chapter! i had fun writing it but i'll be back momentarily to keep writing the second one. i won't dwell much on season one, probably more so the interviews. thanks for reading. comment if you have suggestions!

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