alone time

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this part of the story is just cuz i'd feel bad if i started the whole "he's driving her home" thing with no explanation as to what happened. might be a short ass chapter since it won't include the following set day. maybe just livs at home vibes idk, backstory maybe?

Josh grabbed his keys, set a hand on my waist to signal he was ready to go. Sofia and I were talking about our upcoming scene together and when I felt Josh's hand on me, I almost smiled ear to ear like the grinch. Instead I was raised my eyebrows and turned to walk with him "Bye babies." I said hugging my girls. "See you all tomorrow!"

Josh was walking down the stairs quickly, checking around him for the older man in case he was down here. Heading into the parking lot he reached out to me for my hand. "Can't let Disney's newest princess get hurt." Josh smirked. I scrunched my nose as I held onto his hand, double the size of mine. He laughed as he spun me to the passengers side of the car.

Glad to have my best friend here with me, I let myself relax. Everything going on made me on edge at first but having him here let me know I wouldn't be alone. Without question, Josh connected my phone to the AUX. "Why thank you." I curtsied in my seat. He did a light bow knowing how smart this little action was. Such boyfriend material- best friend material I mean.

"Love Story" by Taylor Swift turned on full blast. Josh let out a burst of laughter as I had my full blown concert. "A classic." He said glancing over at me. His smile in the corner of my ear was undeniable. I wished he were this happy during the movie. I could tell he was off. I'm just glad he's back to normal.

"Bye livvy! See you tomorrow!" I blew a kiss back and shut the door behind me. Knowing he wouldn't leave till I got in the door I started skipping like a little girl and spun around to wave goodbye.

Josh's Pov

Olivia's Pov
Walking in the I giggled thinking of Raven Simone on screen. "Hi mom! Missed you!"

"Liv! How was your day?"

"Eventful. Pretty long, too." I said giving her a hug.

"I can imagine. Josh texted me about that guy. Told me you were safe, he's the sweetest." Mom said. Wow Josh. I felt the room get hotter as I prepared for an interrogation. "How old was this man? How did security handle it? Did he know you? Or any of you costars? Did he go near you? How long was he in the room?"

                              Joshy Bassett✌🏻

Livvy🎉: Good to know you text my mom I guess. 😒

Joshy Bassett✌🏻: Shut up. I knew you wouldn't tell her. Not my fault I care about my friends safety🥺

Livvy🎉: Wish you were getting this interrogation and not me. Kinda is your fault tho😘😪

Joshy Bassett✌🏻: Have fun being on lock down! night night

Livvy🎉: Dont worry I will. Movie marathon time. I hope ur jealous🥰 nighty night

Joshy Bassett✌🏻: Mrs Rodrigo invited me to movie marathon next week so i'm not too jealous. See you tmr😝

Of course she did. I smiled down at the phone setting it down on the counter. I turned on 'Friends'. Staring at the screen I finally fell asleep to silence after the episodes dialed down. I don't know what I fell asleep thinking about but the smile stayed plastered on my pale face till the morning. Wait why would he see me tomorrow? It's Saturday.

"Liv! I made waffles." Mom said walking into the family room. I was folding up the fluffy blanket into a basket beside the TV. "And Josh is on his way!"

How did she know that would make me jump up? Well, no time to worry. I need to get dressed!

I showered and brushed out my hair. Putting on perfume and lotion at the speed of lightning then reaching for my outfit of the day. A pair of joggers and a tie-in-the-back tank top. I slipped on socks and walked out of my room relaxed. Picking up a plate, I heard a knock on the door and nearly dropped it. Mom was no where in sight. "I guess I'll get it." I strolled over to the door and opened it to Josh. For once in his life, the boy wasn't wearing converse but adidas NMDs. I winked as I opened the door to him. He gave out a small laugh but seemed to find my wink surprising. Whatever.

He took of his shoes and slid over to the kitchen in this pink socks. I was pretty much matching him in that department so I slid around after him. "I win!" I beat him in the unspoken race we did and he tickled me in my stomach spinning me around. "Okay, okay! I need to breathe, dude!" I said with a beaming smile.

Josh's POV
She looked really cute today. I tried not to dwell on the fact that her top could barely be considered more than a sports bra but that was a little hard. While she mocked me I pulled out my master plan, tickling. She had it shut up then. I started tickling her all around her waist and she spun around. I continued to tickle her bare stomach only to realize that she had her back side against me. I almost jumped but noticing how she was laughing and comfortable I decided to go with it. "JOSH NOO-HAHAHA-sToPpPp!" The cracks in her voice breaking made me laugh letting her go. I took her hand and spun her to her seat. We continued eating waffles and telling stories. It would only be seen as fun in our eyes but anyways, she looked cute. Not to be weird. In a best friend way.

Livs POV
"So then, I basically just stared at my phone for the rest of the night. Kinda a bad ending but realistic." Josh said.

"I know right! My screen time is scaring me at this point!"

"I've tried to stop myself from being on it too long but there's no end to the posts, tweets or any of it!" Josh said. Kinda cute when he's worked up.

"Pass me your phone."

"Okay?" I got his phone, went to time limits and set a parental control. I put in my passcode and told him to do the same to mine.

"We'll be on set everyday so just let me know if you need the password." I said proud of my little idea.

"Got it! Well, I should head out. Got some memorizing to do. See you tomorrow!" Josh said. I didn't want him to leave, couldn't we memorize together. I mean, half of our scenes are together. It shouldn't be a problem. But I didn't say anything and just waved.

Josh's POV
The phone was ringing out until I saw the 'connecting' under Olivias name. "Hey Liv. I have a song I'm working on and I need some constructive criticism. Got the time?"

"Hey! Yeah of course. What's it called?"

"Common Sense."


I know he already had Common Sense out at the time but I just figured that it was a good connection. btw i'm not making the song about liv in this story. just vibes. lol sorry for being late to updates too. y'all are such good writers i've been reading ur stuff! lol have a nice day doe!

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