reactions to ep 10

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the cast all watch the final episode and finally scene that the have yet to see. josh and liv get uncomfortable. That's it good night.

Olivias Pov 

I felt wandering eyes on me as I crossed the street. Episode 10 out tonight, I couldn't wait! We finally had the finale coming out! We had little evident to make, posts to write and like a hundred other things to finish off season 1 but it was so worth it.

"Hey! Can I uh- get a p-picture?" A little girl, maybe 11 said to me while standing next to a friend and mom.

"Of course cutie!" The girl smiled.

As I pulled away for my he camera I heard a high pitched voice from below. "We loved Bizardvark and High School Musical The Musical The Series is so good!" The second girl said, a little older I presumed.

"I'm so glad you like it!"

"Are you going to see the cast right now? Oh my gosh!"

"Yeah I am! I'll take a picture on my phone and tell them you say hi, is that alright?" I glanced at the mom who was smiling at her girls and me. I snapped the picture on my own phone. "So, who are your guys' favorite characters?"

"I love Carlos! He's so funny!"

"My favorite is Kourtney or Nini."

"I love that! I really hope you guys like the ending of season 1! I'll tel everyone you said hi!"

The small girls giggled and waved as they walked away. I knew everyone in the apartment would be so happy to hear about her little encounter. Hearing that young girls liked the show in person made Liv even more excited to watch the final episode.

She rushed up the stairs and rushed through each picture and video we had to take to announce the finale tonight. Josh was standing next to me, I slightly nudged at his arm. He discreetly tickled me which made me get in trouble for laughing during Tim's video for his instagram story but of course nobody suspected it was all Josh's little scheme. I glared at him.

The innocent puppy face wouldn't work for long.

"Oh no you didn't." My whisper voice was gentle yet the smirk I showed to Josh made it seem silly.

He didn't look at me just smiled really hard. Way to play it cool Josh

Looking up at Tim's cell phone we all started screaming about the season finale. I hugged Sofia and Larry on each side of me. The rest of the cast decided to talk snacks, i was in the mood for airheads and popcorn but Frankie was thinking pizza and hersheys kisses.

Once we decided that it was going to be a snack buffet we all went out and got what we wanted and came back. The dining room table had pringles, skittles, strawberries, mini cupcakes, and every other food you could think of. My stomach felt empty on site.

We went through the episode and counted our favorite ships moments. We didn't see the show all together, just our own scenes and parts of each other's. Seeing them on screen and all the little looks made us all go bonkers.

Josh's Pov

All I can think about is the kiss Liv and I share at the end.

Sofia's Pov

We all knew about the Rini kiss at the end but we hadn't seen it. Also something about Josh improving it all or something. We were suppose to film our reaction. I wanted to just to see Liv and Josh while watching  themselves in the scene. Liv told me how really felt. I wish I knew more.

Josh's Pov

While watching, I'm counting scenes on Gina and EJ. I love their slow burn ship. Frankie and Julia are watching for Rini but I think we all are. Sofia and Larry are obsessed with Big Red and Julia. Liv and Dara are watching Seb and Carlos. All of us are so comfortable watching each other on screen, it's weird most of the time but all of us were watching ourselves too so we just laughed and supported our best friends. They are all so talented. Here comes Breaking Free. Liv is twiddling with her hair. I didn't even realize we were close together right now.

Livs Pov

During breaking free I watched Josh and I and as we watched the episode all screaming at the ship in our screen I got butterflies in my stomach and couldn't control my beaming smile.

I was so nervous. This is all around awkward but I liked it. The show was so good and although watching myself be in love with Josh on screen was weird,

I couldn't say I felt differently now. I l-love all my friends.

Daras Pov

The "I love you" scene is coming up and believe me, we are all waiting but not very patiently.

Livs Pov

I felt my face grow warm as Ricky walked into the dressing room. Holy shit.

"Usually the theater kids cry then we go to Denny's."

"I love you."

The girls in the room screaming, the boys in the room bouncing around.

As true speech continues we all get super excited except for me. I hope the kiss is quick. I hope it's not a big deal.

Whatever my line was before this, I didn't remember it. What did I even say? I was completely out of it, hoping the rest of the cast does not ruin my life. I love them though.

Josh looked up at me. I see him all red, laughing uncomfortably. I probably look the same so I don't acknowledge the way he looks at me. Vulnerably.

"oOohhHHH AAaAHHhhH"

Damn can they shut up?!

Josh sinks down. Same.

I don't remember any of this being this long. Or adorable. I uh n-never mind.

Did I really do that?

Matt would look at josh occasionally almost in a approving way, it was annoying.

Josh's Pov

I never realized what Liv looked like during that scene. She looked cute.

We finished watching and ended the night with light tears and lots of hugs.


I turned to see Liv standing behind me. Don't ruin this josh!

"Can I have a ride tonight? My mom isn't home and-"

"Of course Liv." Don't be awkward josh!

Liv had and will always have the AUX when in my car. She has pretty good taste in music and always finds a way to make me smile. She turned on her favorite throwback songs and started humming along.

We got to her house and I walked her to the door, "Night Livvy!"

She hugged me shyly but with her arms wrapped around my neck I found her very comforted. "Night night!"

I was sad to say good bye, we had a few interviews and photo shoots and stuff but also had to go back to LA till filming starts up again.  As I jumped into my car I wished Liv would walk back out the door-

Cliff hanger. Annie updating? No way!!! Yeah I'm so sorry, elearning and I had some catching up to do. We had a lunch together, breakfast,  dinner the whole nine yards. And I think I failed french. It's fine whatever.

never have i ever (jolivia)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin