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I don't know why ! I just can't stand him being clingy all the time! I don't hate him! He just irritates me sometimes!
But he's the one who helped me overcome my introvert self .
May be I was a little too rude after all he has a habit of hugging something and sleeping!
Why does it burn where he touches?
I just need to go back and apologise to him. I was way too rude.
I run up the way I came and open the door just to find him lying still.
For a moment I think he's asleep already but my gut says to check. I go over to my sleeping friend and flick his chin! Taee ??
No answer!
I shake him.
I grab my phone and dial Namjoon.
-What is it Jungkook?  I'm already up!
It's Tae! Just come to my room!
On my way!
The line goes dead.
My heart is beating furiously. Idky! I just feel Like I'm gonna burst out crying.
Just wake up already Taehyung. Idk. It hurts to see you like this.
Namjoon hyung came in and after seeing Tae rang the company doctor who was down in 2mins!
Jungkook? You al right? Hyung asks with worry!
Yea Hyung I'm fine! I just haven't seen him like that.
Don't worry boy! He will  be fine. Dr. Choy is here.
Dr. Choy comes out with worry on his face!
'He passed out hyperventilating and damn sure he hasn't been sleeping prprly for a few days. He's exhausted himself way too much! I've told you guys to call me in when you feel weak or something why didn't you Joon? He's had problems sleeping for atleast a couple of days! '
Namjoon Hyung stares at doctor Choy coz he is speechless!
I'll talk to him Dr. I'm not sure! Hyung says.
For now he's sleeping! I've given him some sedatives so that he doesn't feel weak! Let me  know when he wakes up! After dr leaves Me and Hyung go over to Taehyung ! He's asleep now and looks so peaceful!
Jungkook you can go workout and let the others know that I'll be skipping the workout session today. I'll see you guys at practise straight!
Okay Hyung! I'll tell them!
And tell them about Tae too. Do tell them they don't have to worry! I'm here with him. Especially Jimin.
Okay Hyung. See ya! Call me if anything.
I slowly close the door and make my way downstairs to the Gym!
I see my Hyungs already their ready to start the day!
Hey everyone !! Tae is a lil sick and Joon Hyung is with him. I explain everything to them. Jimin is ready to run to Tae but Yoongi Hyung stops him saying Joon their already! He is reluctant but he calms down. Everyone is worried about Taehyung.
I shouldn't have left him! I feel like such a shitty friend. I should have atleast asked him what's wrong.
Kook? You okay their? Jimin asks.
I nod and then we start working out with our trainers. After an hour of sweating out we retire to our rooms to have a shower then meet for breakfast then start our practise. Our same routine when we practise the choreo!  
I retire to my room and see Namjoon and Taehyung talking. He's sitting up and holding a glass of juice! They both seem to be having a conversation!
I run over to him jumping on the bed and hugging him to me! I was so afraid!!!
Tae chuckles ! What's wrong Jk?
I just feel tears forming coz my hyung was in danger! My Hyung who was always their for me!
' t-tae you are a-wake! I stutter trying hard not to burst out crying!
Hey ! Kookie! Look at me ! I'm fine ! Don't cry ! I'm good!
I control myself and stare at my best friend my hyung! My closest companion! My joy!
I calm down and pull back! Namjoon Hyung watches us with a smile!
TAEHYUNG! YOU IDIOTTTT!! Someone storms in making all of us stare at the person who just came barging in!
He jumps on Tae and punches him in the arm. What the fuck happend?
Ahhhh!!! Jiminahhh it hurts!
Jimin! Stop it get away from Tae he'll get hurt! Namjoon Hyung scolds Jimin who gets up and sits next to Tae.
All the others pour in and surround Tae who is sitting like a cute doll on the bed!
'Thank God you're alive! ' Yupp that's Yoongi Hyung for you guys!
Tae just chuckles at Yoongi Hyung and gives him a smile!
'Srsly guys I'm alright! Stop treating me like a baby! Especially Namjoon Hyung!! I'll be fine! '
'Shut up Tae! You'll always be my sweetest young kid brother! ' Namjoon Hyung says .
'Shut your hole Namjoonah. He's my kid! '
'Dude you stink! All of you stink! Go take a shower and leave me and my baby Tae alone! '
'Yaahhh!! Taehyung who do you choose? Me or Namjoonah? ' Jin Hyung asks!
'Yaah stop acting like a Married couple already ! Let Taehyung rest! Yoongi Hyung says.
SHUT UP YOONGI!! Both Namjoon Hyung and Jin Hyung yell at the same time , lock eyes with each other and look away. I swear these two. Omg!

Take care Taehyungah we'll see you at night if we ain't dead practising or tomorrow morning!! Hobi Hyung says and leaves pulling Yoongi with him! Jiminah just stares at the pair before going over to Tae squeezing his cheeks and leaving!
Jin Hyung is talking to Namjoon Hyung about something when I go over to Tae and apologise for my behaviour !
"It's okay Kookie! You don't have to apologise! Go you're gonna be late! And go shower! JeeZZZ!! ' Tae covers his nose . I smile at him feeling content that he's alright .
I squeeze Taehyung's hand , take my belongings for today and leave to get dressed in Taehyungs room!

I swear this is gonna get better! Just keep reading y'all jeez!! I need to route this story up a little for the main stuff to begin

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