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I woke up with a start !
Was all that a dream?
Shit! I guess!
I would have passed out already if that was true!
Damn it! Me having Wet dreams of Joon isn't helping in any way!
But damn the dream felt real enough ! I would do anything to feel his lips on mine again.
No! What am I even thinking? We are a group for fucks sake!
Thank God it was a dream! Yesss!! That's better!
I got out of bed and made my way to freshen up! I was half an hour before!
I changed into tracks and a loose tee as I sat on bed browsing through my phone waiting for others to assemble before we start the day!
There was a knock on my door! It would be Joon checking up! My heart skipped a beat after last nights dream !
Come on in! I said!
The door opened and Taehyung walked in!
I was thankful that it was him!
"Hyung you're up already! " he asked and came stood next to me !
I got up plugging my charger off and putting it into the duff bag!
"Yes Tae ! We all ready to go? "
He was now lying on my bed legs dangling!
"Yaa Hyung! Fifteen minutes we can head over ! "
Now he sat up staring at me with doe eyes! Noo noo he wants something! And no one can resist his baby charms!
"Hey why you looking at me like that? Mister you better not give me that look! I'm not getting anything done for you ! Especially allowing you to secretly eat before working out! "
He sighed! Yaaaa I knew it !
"Hyung but I'm hungry Hyung! " he pouted!
"No sweetheart ! After workout we be tired we can eat then ! That's schedule! "
It's not like we ain't supposed to eat! We just follow a routine ! And if the routine is put off a couple of times it's never followed again!
"Okay! Let's go get the workouts done "
Yup! Taehyung stared at me idky !
I was about to step out of my bedroom when he stepped in front of me !
I gave him a questioning look!
He came close to my ear and whispered
"Hyung! You might wanna do something bout the love bite Namjoon Hyung gave you before you head over to the gym! We don't want everyone knowing anything do we? He winked and left!
He fucking winked and left!
I dropped my bag and ran over to the Mirror!
There! Right below my colorbone was a big red hickey along with other small ones decorating my skin right from my ears running through my jawline !!!

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