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I swear to god I feel so crumpled but I can feel Taehyung slipping ! He surely doesn't wanna talk about himself so I don't pressure him! I just feel like pulling him back in my arms and have him their for life! I hope he opens up more to me!
I can really take the role of Taehyung 's granma for him! Anything for my winter bear!
But he isn't letting anyone in right now!
I feel so helpless!
Me and Tae retire to our rooms !
I lie down and look up at the ceiling!
I wonder if Yoongi Hyung would be sleeping now!
Haaahhhh!! Back to it!
Park Jimin you won't and can't think of your co member like that!
Huhhhhh!! Fuck it! He adores hoseok and they are perfect and understand each other!  Whatever
Let's Sleep!


Jesus Christ! I swear to God I'm not gonna forgive Taehyung ! Now they've retired to their rooms and I'm still sitting on the floor with Namjoon back on scribbling some rap on his notepad!
"Hyung! I'm just gonna retire to my room! I'm close to finishing this lyrics !"
"Dude! Take rest!  It's not even important right now why are you doing it?"
"Hyung! My mind is on fire! It happens rarely! The rap is just coming to me!"
"Whatever Einstein! Want some coffee?"
"If you could it'll be great! Black one pls!"
"Sure thing Sir!" I chuckle while he goes to his room!
I stand their thinking why do I feel all nervous and feel butterflies in my stomach when it comes to Namjoon! Not RM but Namjoon! Lol! All of us are scared of RM!
I shouldn't feel this way! It would jeopardise our friendship and many things for our group!
Huhhh!! Whatever !! Let's give him his coffee and go to bed!
I knock on his door but he doesn't understand so I just enter ! It's dark! I make my way to the study table and leave his mug and blindly start making my way out when I collide with a cold hard chest!
"Hyung you could have knocked!" Namjoon whispers!
I gulp! Coz one  
my hands are on his chest and he is shirtless!
He is holding my waist so lightly that if he could apply more pressure I would break!
"I - I knocked!" Shit !! Out of all the times I had to stutter nowww???
"Uhmmm! I knocked ! But you didn't answer! So I just! Anyways I'm leaving! "
"Sure Hyung! He chuckles!
The audacity of him! He makes me feel this way and chuckles?? I'm so not gonna leave like this! He turns on the lights and I'm met with a body which I would have only dreamed to touch!
Shit! Focus Jin! You can't lose! You need to score now! Every time I'm left flushed ! It's my turn !!!
Namjoon has his back to me!
I walk over to him and flip the light switch off again!
He turns to me with speed and unaware is right where I want him ! In my arms!
"Hyung! What are you doing? "
I place my hands on top of his mouth!
"Do you think I'm unaware of the games we play and act like it just didn't happen? "
I try to control my voice but damn that came out Husky!
I slowly trace his ears by ghostly hovering my lips ! I don't touch them yet!
God ! Damn me! I just want to go rough on him ! But nope! I'm just here to tease!
Goddd! I was here to give him coffee! Damn me!
I'm about to retreat when I hear him releasing a muffly moan?
I'm not sure so I actually kiss his ear slowly but steadily!
He shivers!
Little does he know my legs feel like jelly which can collapse anytime !
I trace my fingers thru his jawline ! My other hand leaves his mouth and lightly traces his back! He squirms !
I trace his stomach! His hard rock abs!
I feel myself getting a hard on real soon! Shitttt!! This wasn't supposed to happen!
"You want this don't you? " I ask kissing his ears! His jaw line!
All I get is his breathing which is unsteady and shivery!
I sigh! We can't ! What am I thinking! I rest my head on his shoulder!
He too sighs!
He knows this would mean crossing a limit which shouldn't be crossed!
I feel so bad for starting! He didn't want this to happen! He knows some lines shouldn't be crossed!
"Sorry! I whisper!
I back off and make my way to the door!
I feel my hand being yanked back and before I process what's happening I'm in his grip his lips colliding with mine !
First thing I feel is electricity!
I see stars! I feel drunk and light headed!
His lips are moving with a medium pace!
I kiss him back in the same pace!
He puts one of his hand under my shirt tracing my hips! I gasp coz of the sudden contact!
He slips his tongue inside and laps on my tongue!
I don't even bother covering the moan which leaves me and him completely wanting more!
He continues to kiss me so passionately I feel like passing out!
He takes my breath away completely that I'm not even complaining! I always imagined kissing him but was never prepared ! This is like million times sensitive than I ever imagined! I kiss him back with as much fervour and passion!
He suddenly breaks the kiss and rests our foreheads together!
I didn't want it to end but come on I would have died coz I was literally running out of oxygen!
We both stay like that breathing heavily when I pull back and look at him!
It's dark but I can feel his gaze on me!
"Please tell me you wanted that and I'm not in trouble!" He says!
"I've always wanted that but never expected to be real in real life! I was just here to tease you for having the upper hand in making me flushed and red!" I say and then curse coz I'm the dumbest person! I just told him tha-
"So I make you red? Do I make you nervous Hyung?" He asks advancing towards me!
I take a step back but he just keeps advancing!
" have you ever imagined anything other than kissing me Hyung? "
He asks still slowly advancing towards me! I take slow steps back!
Come on Jin! Where is the badass Jin who would have awesome comebacks? Make a fucking joke Jinnn! Anything!!!
All I come up with is
"Umm! I don't know what you're talking about! "
Stuttering and with legs like jelly I make it to the last step when I my back knees hit his bed!
"You sure don't know what am talking about?"
He takes one step and is inches away from me!
A lonely  shiver makes its way down my spine!
I feel so vulnerable and weak instead of being elder to him! I try to summon the Jin who entered the room but sadly he is long gone!
He closes the distance between us and is too close to me that I feel several shivers making it's was down my spine!
"Answer me Jin"
I shiver ! The way he says my name with so much dominance! The way he makes me feel this way! Only he can!
He teases me by advancing his hands below my shirt caressing my hip bones. The make their way up and down side way in a very slow and erotic way!
"Answer me Jin ! "
I moan!
Electricity shoots thru my whole being! I feel myself getting more harder if that's even possible!
His hand dangerously hovers in the middle lightly skimming my skin at the waist line of my pants threatening to reach its way down if I don't answer him!
"Y-yes ! I croak!
"Yes what? "
He hovers near my lips before my sucking te hollow at my neck!
I hold his bare shoulders for support! The pleasure is too much!
The way his lips lap at my skin sucking and licking!
"y-yes I think of you on many ways !" I croak out!
Shitttt!! Why am I mess???
"Then let me make some of our fantasies come true!"
He kisses me! This time more rough! Like he can't get enough! I do a good job keeping up!
Wait did he just say OUR fantasies? It means he too???
Before I complete that thought my back is met by the mattress and I lose my breath for a quick second before he is on me and kissing me again!
He holds my hands in a lock at the top of my head and pins one of my knee with his own while the other is over my thigh! He is partially straddling me while I lay there at his mercy !
He kisses me as I continue to moan! He detaches our lips and kisses my jaw line! While one of his hands make its way under my shirt roughly running rubbing on my sensitive skin!
"Namjoonahh! I moan as I arch my back up for more contact! "
He moans and holds my hands tighter ! His other hand traces my abs while he hardly nibbles the hollow of my throat!
"Say that again Jin"
I turn red coz for the first time ever I moaned his name and loud!
"Do it! " he orders and straddles me completely!
"Shit Namjoonnnn!!! I moan as he sits on my throbbing member!
I feel like stripping him and slamming myself inside him for teasing me like this !
"That's right ! "
Enough! I yank my hands out of his grip and sit up making Namjoon perfectly straddle where I want him! I put my hand around his neck and kiss him!
He kisses me back passionately!
I graze my fingers on his bare back ! As he gasps in my mouth!
I thrust myself up and hold Namjoons waist!
"Ahhh- Jin Hyung! "
I thrust myself more harder this time eliciting another moan!
Now this is good!
Namjoon starts grinding down on my throbbing cock while I thrust up! Both of us are moaning mess!
Namjoon reached for my shirt to remove it!
Is this going too far?
Yes it is!
"Namjoon!!!! Stop! If we do this there's no going back!"
His hand stops and he just sits still above me!
"You're right! I- uh- I don't have words to defend my actions tonight!"
He moves away and sits on the edge of the bed!
I inhale deeply to calm myself down!
And then I get up making my way towards him!
He has his hands entwined on his lap and head hung low!
"I too don't have words to defend myself and I'm not gonna apologise Namjoon! I wanted this! This wasn't a mistake! "
I cup his chin kiss his forehead and walk out!

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