Chapter Nine: Challenging Times

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Two days later, Donvann's forces sat entrenched, beneath a steady rain. Morgan sat behind a bulwark, sniping at the enemy, when one peered over the wall. So far, she had managed to down four men, her prowess with a bow
Was undeniable.

Four Centaur scouts were galloping fast past the entrenched troops, to where Donovan had been reviewing the days festivities.

"Donovan, a large force is currently marching our way, we believe they are attempting to break the seige around the city," Emec reported.

"How far are they away?" Donovan asked.

"Half a days ride, give or take an hour," Emec replied.

"I want our rear troops well beyond the furthest range of the enemy's arbalestors. Tell them to dig in, the enemy is approaching and we don't want to disappoint them. Maska shouted. "Tell Aeteh to arrange for four of the giant ballistae to be moved into position. I want a defensive position, with our ranged troops in back."

A young lieutenant hastened to report to Aeteh, Maska's orders.
"If the enemy wants to challenge us, we will surely oblige them."

"Windelham is important to them, for some reason. Perhaps it serves as the outermost boundary of the enemy holdings. It could also house someone important, that they want to save," Donovan said.

"Whatever reason it is, we will deny them the satisfaction of saving it. Donovan I want one hundred knights on the front line. I also want an additional four units of our heavily armoured battle-axemen added. We cannot afford not to get this right," Maska said, and gave the order to a second lieutenant, who hurried to pass the order to Aeteh.

Before them were four teams of men and horses, repositioning the giant ballistae in the back of Aeteh's defensive position. In front of them, would be placed their ranged troops. In front of them, would be placed heavily armored battle-axmen and men-at-arms. In front of them would be placed their pike men. Lastly, fifty knights would be placed in front to the left and right of the main army.

The knights, would serve to offer two battering rams, that would attack the enemy flanks or pres2s weak spots and eliminate archers.

"The men are in high spirits, they are itching to close with the enemy," Donovan said with a grin.

"Yes, they have been a slippery foe, never wanting to confront our troops directly in battle, lately," Maska replied.

Four hours later, the majority of Aeteh's army was in position and was digging in. The knights would move into position prior to the arrival of the enemy army.

Scouts would keep tabs on the enemy, giving Aeteh and Donovan constant updates on their movements.

Meanwhile, Morgan continued to snipe enemy troops along the fortress walls. She had managed to kill three more.

"Morgan, we need you to put pressure on the enemy's officers, that is if you feel up to it," Donovan said.

"I have no problem with aiding Aeteh in this battle, it beats sniping the enemy for hours," Morgan responded with a grin.

Four riders ran to Aeteh, and paused. Aeteh signaled by flag to gather the promised one hundred knights to get in position. The scouts continued to Donovan.

"The enemy has advanced, to a little more than an hour away, Aeteh calls for the knights to get in position," Emec reported

An hour later, they could see crimson banners approaching, as the enemy marched in position. They began to settle in, establishing a perimeter, this would be a protracted battle. Aeteh's army stood still with royal blue banners, with a winged golden dragon emblazoned on them.

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