Little White Box

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Dean looked at his clock and it read 1:45 am. He was head deep in homework that he was already going to give up on. "I wonder if AJ did her work." he said to himself. Dean peeked his head out of his room to find AJ curled up on the couch sound asleep. She looks so adorable. Stop it Dean! what the hell is wrong with you! His blue eyes caught sight of AJ's back pack that was set on the dinner table. He sneaked his way to it,  unzipping the bag slowly so he didn't wake her up. Dean pulled out a pink folder that was labeled 'Math' with green sharpie. "Perfect", he opened the folder and saw that AJ had all of the work done that he needed. Dean began zipping up her bag until he saw a little white box that caught his attention. He looked over to the couch to make sure AJ was still asleep before he pulled out the box. "Pregnancy Test?"

"What are you doing in my bag?" AJ asked from behind him.

Dean did a full 360 dropping the box in her bag before she noticed what he had in his hands. "Just looking through your math folder. I didn't do my work so I needed to copy."

"Oh alright." AJ grabbed her bag from the table, "Just ask me next time cuz I might have' girl stuff' in here that I don't want you to see if you catch my drift."

Tell me about it. "yeah. Sorry bout that. I'll ask next time." Dean fake smiled walking back into his room.

Dean didn't take AJ for the type of person who would have given herself up already. She seemed so confined and innocent. But you can never judge a book by its cover. Even the most innocent type of people have their crazy side.

Dean spun in his chair, throwing his head back and groaned. "Who could she have possibly slept with?" He asked himself. This was definitely going to be floating around in his mind all night.


-Next Morning-

Dean was in the kitchen talking to his mom while he waited for AJ to hurry up and get out of the bathroom so they could leave for school.

"What made you bring her?" Sharon asked, taking a swig of iced tequila.

"What do you mean? She was alone and had nobody so I wanted to help her. Nothing else to it."

Sharon smirked, "Dean let me tell you something. I've seen you bring many girls into this home and she doesn't look like any of them." Her son leaned in being engaged in what his mom was saying. "For one, you actually introduced her to me and didn't take her into your bedroom the moment you guys walked through the door." Dean turned around trying to hide a blush. His mom already knew he was sexually active but he hated it when she would bring it up. "You like her?"

Dean cocked his head, "What? No! Jesus, mom just stop." He demanded, clearly embarrassed. "Keep your voice down she could hear you."

Sharon couldn't help but laugh at her sons reaction, "If you want to get in her pants, I'd stop trying if I were you. You may be able to get other girls but you're never gonna get your hands on this one. Don't get me wrong, she's a sweet girl but she's such a prude."

Dean shook his head. "Would a prude have a pregnancy test in her bag?"

Sharon nearly choked on her drink, "Wait what? You saw it?" Dean explained to his mom how he found it and she laughed. Sometimes he couldn't stand how his mom didn't take things seriously. "Why do you care what she does? It's not like you have a feelings for her or anything, right?" she smiled.

Dean was about to respond to his moms comment but AJ walked into the room. "Okay I'm ready."

"Finally. Let me get my keys and I'll meet you at the car." AJ nodded and went downstairs like she was told. Dean grabbed his keys from the counter then looked at his mom, "Check if she took the test already." Karen nodded. Even she wanted to know if the girl was pregnant.

Dean and AJ drove in silence. The only sound was the cracking of AJ's nail polish that she was peeling off. Dean wanted to ask AJ if she had a boyfriend or anything of the sort but he didn't want to come of too strong or seem like he knew something. "So you like anybody at school?" Wow could you be more obvious?!

AJ looked at him, raising an eye brow. "What makes you think I'd tell you something like that?"

"Don't you trust me?" Dean pouted in a playful manner.

AJ debated if she should say anything to him or not. But what was the harm in doing so, she thought. Dean was an outsider just like her. He didn't really have any friends to tell. "There's this one guy I really like. He's in your grade." she hinted. "Tall. Blue eyes. Has 2 sleeves of tattoos. Plus another one on his back."

Dean swerved off the road immediately figuring out who she was talking about. "You like Randy Orton!"

AJ blushed a little, "He-he's actually my boyfriend." She confessed. "We kinda like to keep things on the down low so people won't be spreading crap about us cuz you know how people are."

"Then how come you didn't stay with him?" Dean asked trying to say that in the nicest way possible.

"Uhhh." AJ scratched her head, "His mom doesn't really like me. She says that I'm ghetto and stupid shit like that. She thinks cuz of my background that I'm a bad influence on him." Dean nodded his head, taking in everything AJ told him. They were coming closer to the school until AJ asked to park around the block which Dean questioned her orders. "I don't want people seeing us together. They might think something's going on. Drop me off right here and I'll walk the rest of the way."

Dean sighed, "Suit yourself." He unlocked the door and let AJ walk to the school.

-Dater High School-

AJ found her way to the west wing of the school where Randy's locker was located. It was pretty early so there weren't many student in the halls yet. She saw Randy piling books in his locker and she snuck behind him and covered his eyes. "Guess who."

"Someone that I really want to make out with right about now?" Randy turned around, picking up AJ allowing her to wrap her legs around his waist as he pressed her up against the yellow lockers and began making out with her. Randy broke the kiss and smiled at his girlfriend, "What's so important that it couldn't wait until later?"

AJ jumped off of her boyfriend and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I have some news."


A/N: WHOA!!! Cliff hanger! Not giving anything away! I'll just sit back and torture you with this until next chapter ✌

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