How Could You!?!?

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Kyla's POV:

I wasn't myself lately. Things with Joe are weird and full of tension. I started staying with Corey again to get away from whatever is bothering him. Tonight was the big Wrestlemania red carpet party that we're all supposed to go to. Joe is supposed to be my date, but I don't even know if he wants to be seen with me. I've been so depressed and I can feel my heart slowly breaking. Deep down I know he doesn't love me anymore...I just couldn't bring myself to break it off. I keep thinking that maybe things will change and we'll be back to normal. One day we're so happy and he's telling me how much he loves me and the next he's yelling at me and being mean. It's been that way ever since. I thought at first that he was just in a bad mood, but then I noticed he only acts that way to me. I sat on the couch with my knees to my chest watching a movie. I didn't even know what I was watching. I was more or less just staring at the screen lost in thought.

"Hey Kyla. Don't you think you should be getting ready for the gala?"

I looked over and Corey was sitting next to me dressed and ready to go. I gave a half hearted smile and got up and changed into my outfit for the night. I put on some makeup and did a quick up-do with my hair. I didn't care nearly as much as I probably should. I walked into the living room and put a few things in my clutch and sat down to put on my shoes. He came over and held out his hand to help me up. He pulled me in for a quick hug and smiled

"You look beautiful Kyla."

"Thanks. I know you don't mean it, but thank you."

"I do mean it. You can be my date tonight if you want. If Joe can't see how amazing you are then that's his loss."

I half smiled as there was a knock on the door. I assumed it was the driver picking us up, so I answered it. I stood there stunned for a second and then held open the door for him to come in. I couldn't even look at him. This was the first time in over a week I'd actually been in the same room with him let alone this close. He took my hand and pulled me closer to him.  He gently raised my head and was smiling at me. He hadn't done that in weeks. I half smiled and looked down again. 

"I'm sorry Kyla. I know things have been really bad lately. I don't mean to hurt you. I love you Kyla. You look gorgeous"

I blushed as he leaned in and kissed me. He took my hand again and we walked down to the car that was waiting for us. We arrived at the gala and posed for pictures as we walked in. I was trying my best to be happy, but part of me felt like maybe this was his way of luring me into a false sense of security. He got me a drink and we went over and sat down with Colby and his date and Jon and his date. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me close and things were slowly starting to feel the way they used to. I leaned over and kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear

"I love you"

He looked over and smiled and pecked my lips "I love you too. I am sorry again Kyla."

I rested my head on his shoulder and enjoyed the conversation from all the guys. His phone buzzed in his pocket and he pulled it out. I glanced at the text message, but couldn't see who it was or what they said. It wasn't really my business anyway.  He started to get up

"Who was that?"

"Don't worry about it. I'll be back in a little while."


I looked over at Jon who was glaring at him as he walked away. I gave him a confused look back and sipped my drink. Jon came over and stood in front of me and held out his hand

"Come with me Ky. We need to talk."

Confused I went with him.

"What's going on Jon?"

"There's something you need to see. I'm sorry to do this to you. I warned him"

"Warned who...I don't understand"

He lead me around another corner and we stopped. I saw what he was talking about. My heart shattered in a million pieces. I stood watching for a minute not completely able to comprehend what I was seeing. Tears flowed from my eyes as my chest was heaving. I said nothing. I just stood there. Saraya finally looked up and her eyes locked with mine. Joe turned and looked at me and then over at Jon

"What the hell?"

Jon: "What the hell back at you. I told you if you didn't tell Kyla by the time the gala came that I would."

I turned and looked at Jon

"You knew?"


"How could you hide this from me?"  I turned back around "How could you do this to me?  You used me. Everything you said tonight was a lie. You lied to my face. You made me believe you loved me. It was all lies...everything this whole time was a lie. You never cared about me at all."

I turned around again "You hid this from me?  How could you? Are you even my friend? Why did you hide this from me?"

I looked at Saraya "You're supposed to be my best friend. What the hell is wrong with you? What is wrong with all of you? You're all horrible.  I hate you....all three of you"

I turned and pushed my way out of the front door. I had no idea where I was going I just needed to get away. I couldn't trust anyone. I should've known better. I was always better off alone.  I was hysterically crying and had no sense of direction. Joe came running up behind me. He grabbed my arm and spun me around.

"Kyla please...please let me explain"

"NO. I don't want to hear it. I hate you.  You let me fall in love with you. You let me believe that what we had was real...."

"Kyla it was is real....please wait..."


I pushed him as hard as I could in the chest and turned back around to leave

"Kyla! Please! Wait!"

I just kept walking. I'm sure it was pretty dangerous considering it was late, dark, in New York and I had never been here before. I was so upset. I couldn't stop crying. I just wanted to curl into a ball and die. I made my way to a park and sat down in the dark and cried.

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