Chapter Five

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Prem glanced around the coffee shop looking for the woman who had emailed him. What was her name? Ah, yes, Justice. He took out his phone to call her when he heard a male voice call his name.

"Prem, right?"

He turned towards the voice and blinked in shock. The man speaking was stunning. Silver hair tied back revealing ears with intricate piercings, dark mysterious eyes and red lips pulled into a sexy smirk.

"Woah," Prem couldn't help but blurt out.

"Thanks," the man chuckled, "Haven't had that reaction before."

Prem blushed, groaning, and slapped a hand onto his forehead. Sometimes he really wished he could control himself better. He often just did or said stuff before he could think it through. At this point not much embarrassed him, or he was just embarrassed so regularly that he was used to it. The man ran his eyes up and down Prem's body, making Prem shift a little where he was standing. Stop looking at me like that! The man made Prem nervous, but he was not quite sure why. Well, he partly knew why, the man was handsome.

"I'm Boun by the way. Justice had to take a friend of ours to the doctor, so I came to meet you instead," the man continued, holding his hand out for Prem to shake.

"Oh, nice to meet you. Is your friend okay?"

"Yeah, he's fine. It's just a check-up. He was injured a few days ago so they're just checking on his progress."

"That's good."

Boun led Prem to a table in the corner. It was quiet, not many people were seated near them.

"So, today, I just want to get know you a bit. Justice will tell you more about the job another day, okay?"

Prem nodded, trying desperately to focus on the words of the man in front of him. Boun's handsomeness was distracting. They talked a while about Prem's previous work, which mainly consisted of stunt work for films. Then, slowly, the conversation became more personal, discussing their childhoods and previous relationships.

"Wait, seriously? That's how your parents found out you were gay?" Boun laughed loudly, patting Prem's hand in comfort.

"Ugh, I get embarrassed just remembering it. I didn't know they were coming over! My poor boyfriend at the time," Prem paused, giggling at his own story, "He ran to the bathroom and hid, refusing to come out even hours after my parents had already gone."

"Oh, that poor boy," Boun lamented before he snorted, unable to keep in his chuckles.

Prem really loved it when Prem laughed like he couldn't control himself. His whole face would light up with his eyes crinkled at the corners and a big grin stretching his cheeks. There was something so seductive and teasing about that face. It was then that Prem realised Boun had not removed his hand from Prem's and he could feel his cheeks heating with a faint blush. His skin tingled where Boun was touching and, before he could think about it, Prem moved his fingers to link their hands together. He had a little moment of panic that he was going too far since he had only met the man that day, but Boun did not pull away.

"You know, it's getting kind of late," Boun murmured, leaning his chin on the hand that was not currently occupied.

"I guess it is," Prem replied a little disappointed, thinking that Boun wanted to leave.

"We should probably have something to eat. Want to get some dinner with me?" Boun asked, tugging Prem up by his hand.

Prem nodded, not trusting his voice. This was supposed to be a sort of informal job interview, but it seemed to be turning into a date, not that he cared. A date with Boun sounded great to him.

Boun took Prem to his car and drove them to his favourite restaurant. The owners knew him, and they almost treated him like a family member. He loved it there.

"Ah, Boun!" The owner's husband called when he saw Boun walk in.

"Boun, how are you? You are looking too skinny, we need to get some meat on these bones," the owner chattered, having come to greet him when she heard Boun's name

"You always try to feed me, darling," Boun joked, giving her a wink.

"Don't! My husband is right there," she joined in with the teasing before noticing the handsome young man behind Boun, "And who's this? You've never brought a date here before! Oh, is he your boyfriend?"

Boun blushed at that comment, for the first time in his life feeling a little tongue-tied.

"I'm Prem, it's nice to meet you. No, I'm not his boyfriend. At least, not yet."

Prem's sentence came out louder than he intended. In fact, he hadn't really meant to say anything along those lines, but his runaway mouth had slipped the words out before he could stop it. To his surprise, Boun didn't appear to be disturbed by his comment and actually took his hand again.

"Aww, you two. Come on, come on, I'll bring you to your regular table."

Their dinner was nice and Prem felt comfortable around Boun, probably because Boun never seemed to mind when he said something odd. Boun was enjoying himself with Prem, the young man was very open and honest, which was refreshing for Boun. He was also cute, which didn't hurt.

Boun was just watching Prem eat his dessert with a smile. Apparently, Prem wasn't a very careful eater because he had managed to get it onto his nose. While making deep eye-contact, Boun slowly reached up and swiped the cream off Prem's nose with his thumb before bringing it to his mouth and licking it. Prem's face flushed a bright red and he quickly looked down at his plate. What an adorable baby. Boun doesn't even question it, he's following his instincts. The decision has been made. He's keeping him.  

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