Chapter Nine

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Pavel walked in the next morning to see Gulf being interrogated by Boun and a fit young man he sort of recognised. Gulf was sat in between the two on the sofa looking confused and a little nervous. Boun seemed pleased with himself; he and the other young man kept exchanging knowing glances.

"What are you doing to the poor boy?" Pavel asked, dropping his things next to the door.

"Ah Pavel, you're back! Good morning," Boun greeted, sliding off the sofa.

Boun pulled the young man off the sofa, bringing him over to Pavel.

"Pavel, this is Prem. Prem meet Pavel."

"Nice to meet you," Pavel murmured, shaking Prem's outstretched hand.

"Woah, you're muscular," Prem exclaimed, grabbing Pavel's bicep.

"Okay, cutie, let's go back upstairs," Boun muttered, chuckling as he yanked Prem off Pavel and led him away.

Pavel paused, a bit shocked by Prem, before joining Gulf on the sofa with a groan.

"Pavel, are you okay?"

"Yeah, just a little beat up. Justice has me undercover and the guys I'm supposed to be getting close to took me to an underground fighting match."

"How does that end with you being beat up?"

Pavel gave Gulf a quick glare, huffing, "I said I'm beat up not that I was beaten up."

"There's a difference?"

"Saying I was beaten up suggests I lost."

Gulf shook his head, sighing, before grabbing his phone and murmuring, "I'm calling Dome."


"You're a little beat up."

Pavel grunted, standing up to make himself some breakfast. He had originally just wanted to go to sleep since he had been awake all night, but his stomach had startled growling furiously, so he decided to eat something first. His movements were slow and careful; Pavel was trying to avoid aggravating any of his injuries.


Pavel looked up to see Gulf frowning in concern at Pavel's wince when he sat down.

"Yeah, Gulf?"

"Dome's coming by this afternoon after his shift. I have to head out soon and get some more materials, Prem is taking Boun to a gym of some sort, and Justice is still out getting blueprints from the city planning office. Will you be okay alone until Dome gets here?"

"I'm fine, Gulf. Besides, you guys all have plans so what would you do if I said no?"

"I could call Mew to come over while I only get the bare essentials so I can come back faster."

"Mew? You guys are that close?"

Gulf blushed as he nodded, and Pavel filed that away in his head so he could investigate Gulf and Mew further when he wasn't tired.

"No need, Gulf. I'm just going to sleep."

"If you're sure," Gulf murmured hesitantly before finally dropping the topic.

Pavel was both annoyed and pleased with Gulf that morning. The young man hovered around him, helping as much as he could until Pavel was safely in bed. It was kind of irritating to be treated like an invalid, but it was also nice to see how much Gulf cared about him.

"I'm going now. I'm hiding a spare key for Dome, so you don't have to get out of bed. Sleep well, Pavel."

"Bye, Gulf," Pavel whispered, already drifting off to sleep.

"Pavel? Hey, Pavel. Wake up."

Moaning in displeasure, Pavel turned away from the voice, letting out a few grunts as his injuries made themselves known. He was exhausted and didn't want to wake up.

"Pavel. Come on, wake up."

Pavel swatted in the direction of the voice with his hand, muttering sleepily, "Go away."

He was suddenly and rudely completely awakened by a quick, relatively soft slap to the face. Pavel rolled over onto his back, ignoring the painful twinges in his body as he glared at the man who had slapped him awake.

"Dome. What the hell man?" Pavel growled, rubbing a hand over his face.

"I came by to check your injuries and you wouldn't wake up."

"So? I was resting. Rest is good, isn't it?"

Dome was stunned and more than a little hurt by Pavel's grouchiness. The man had never been like this around Dome before. Sure, Pavel had acted like he was annoyed as part of his teasing, but he never actually seemed angry no matter how Dome behaved.

"I just wanted to make sure you were alright," Dome murmured, hating how small and weak his voice sounded as his hurt bled through in his tone.

It was like a flip switched in Pavel when he heard Dome. He sat up quickly ignored the immediate flare of pain and grabbed Dome's hand.

"I'm sorry, Dome. I didn't mean it; I'm just really exhausted. Thank you for coming to patch me up, Doc."

Dome nodded, accepting the apology. He picked up his bag and rifled through it to find the disinfectant; it was difficult as he still only had one hand free, the other still being held in Pavel's grip. It wasn't like Dome couldn't get his hand back if he wanted to, it was that he didn't want it back. Dome liked holding Pavel's hand.

After cleaning some of the more visible cuts, Dome finally pulled his hand away. He needed it back for this next part. Instead of asking Pavel to take his own shirt off, Dome began to unbutton Pavel's shirt himself. Dome convinced himself that he was doing this because he didn't want Pavel to move unnecessarily. Something in the back of his head whispered that it was a pretty weak excuse, but he ignored it.

Pavel's breathing was speeding up, his heart racing, as Dome slowly made his way down the front of the shirt. Each accidental touch of Dome's fingers against his chest was driving Pavel crazy. Then he felt those fingers trace along his skin more purposefully and Pavel twisted his hands in the covers to stop himself from grabbing Dome. What was his Doc doing?

Pavel felt warm breath on his face, suggesting that Dome was close. At some point Pavel had closed his eyes to try and regain some control, but it hadn't really helped. Opening his eyes, he saw Dome lean in, the doctor's eyes dark with desire and fixated on Pavel's lips. Throwing caution to the wind, Pavel moved that last little distance pressing his lips against Dome's in a deep kiss.

When Dome didn't try to push him away and instead moaned, Pavel gave in. He dragged Dome's body down onto the bed, rolling them so he ended up on top. With a deep groan of his own, Pavel delved back into his Doc's mouth. Dome was tracing his way up Pavel's arms, gently, until Pavel nipped at his lip making him squeeze suddenly, accidently pressing on one of the bruises on Pavel's body.

"I'm sorry Pavel. Your injuries, maybe we-"

Pavel cut Dome off with another kiss before whispering, "I'm fine, Doc."

"Uh, you should be, um, resting," Dome panted as Pavel began to suck and nip his way down Dome's neck.

"Hush, Dome."

"This, um, really isn't, oh, good for your, uh, injuries."

"Really? I think this is healing me completely."

Dome huffed at Pavel's flirty comment but gave up. He hadn't really wanted to stop, but Pavel was his patient, sort of, and he just wanted to make sure the man was alright.

"I'm going to enjoy my treatment, heal me Doc!" Pavel joked, flipping them over so that Dome was straddling him.

Laughing, Dome leaned down and began to press gentle kisses down Pavel's chest. Then he looked up at Pavel with hooded eyes through his lashes with a voice so low and husky that it sent a shiver down Pavel's spine.

"There, all better. Now what do I have to treat next?"

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