Plans for (Y/N)

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A/N: At the close of the last chapter, Young Dedede Jr., or (Y/N) mostly, have just saved Izumi, a girl who's quirkless, from being harmed. However, Escargoon caught (Y/N) hurting people (excluding Izumi) again. Now back in Dream Land, his father, King Dedede, wasn't happy with the news. Let's find out about the consequences now.

Dedede: "(Y/N), how many times do I have to tell you not to cause trouble?"

(Y/N): "But Dad, these mean bullies tried to her and I stopped them! I don't want her to be hurt!"

Dedede: You know fighting will not solve everything, (Y/N)!

Escargoon: "Says the one who tried to get rid of Kirby in the past."

"BONK!!!" Escargoon got a big bump on his head for stating the obvious from Dedede. Then, he turned to (Y/N).

Dedede: "Back to business. (Y/N), we got to do something about your temper. You're becoming like me. I don't know if it's good or bad.

(Y/N): "Probably both?"

Dedede: "Well, perhaps I need new ways to motivate you, like grounding you for a month with no battles, no games, and no playing with Kirby!"

(Y/N): "Come on, Dad! Just give me another chance!"

????: "Ahem"

Dedede and (Y/N) heard that voice from someone else, it was Meta Knight.

Meta Knight: Your majesty, would you mind if I speak to you in private?

Dedede: *sigh* "Very well then, (Y/N), you wait outside and don't move.

(Y/N) exited the throne room and didn't move an inch until his father gave him further notice. As the double doors closed, Meta Knight finally spoke.

Meta Knight: Sire, I heard rumors that the city (Y/N) and Escargoon traveled to is from another world. Susie & Magolor transmitted the powers from the Lor Starcutter into your limousine and tank, along with the robobot armor prototypes.

Dedede: I guess that answers my question of how the limousine got into the portal. But do the effects wear off? I don't want (Y/N) to be stranded.

Meta Knight: Magolor told me that the portals that lead from one world to another are powered by Energy Spheres. Fortunately, it takes several Energy Spheres for your limousine and tank.

Dedede: Hmmm... Interesting.

Before Dedede could ask another question, Escargoon was gaining consciousness from the hammer effect.

Escargoon: Ugh... Ow.. my head. What did I miss?

Meta Knight: Nothing, but there's one thing you should know. The world you and (Y/N) visited is a society full of heroes and villains.

Dedede: I don't think that's a good idea. I had a feeling that it'll be more trouble for (Y/N) to cause.

Escargoon: Well, Kirby is a hero and a star warrior and your son wants to be a hero just like him.

Dedede: True... but what's special about a world full of superheroes and villains?

Meta Knight: For the heroes of the future, they must enter a school for young heroes. The academy is called U.A. High.

Dedede: U.A. High? What kind of idiotic name is that for school full of heroes?

Escargoon: Someone obviously named the academy because they're tired or something.

Meta Knight: The academy is located in Musutafu, Japan. Planet Earth.

Dedede: Earth? Have I heard of this planet before?

Escargoon: Hardly, but (Y/N) chose that planet. He told us about that green-haired kid.

Meta Knight: Maybe, if we can ask the supervisor of U.A. for enrollment for (Y/N), He won't be dangerous like his anger.

Escargoon: He does have a point, Sire.

Dedede: *sigh* Fine, but he better not cause trouble.


(Y/N) was waiting for his dad after his discussion with Meta Knight when Tiff, Tuff, their parents, Sir Ebrum & Lady Like and Kirby showed up.

Tiff: (Y/N)! You should know better not to cause violence! You should be ashamed of yourself!

Tuff: Geez, (Y/N). That's the tenth time already!

(Y/N): Yeah I know. I tried to fight my anger, but it forced me to.*sigh*

Kirby: Poyo... *pats (Y/N) on the back*

(Y/N): I appreciate you for cheering me up, Kirby. But I don't think I can protect anyone.

Tuff: (Y/N)! Don't say that! You wanted to be a hero just like Kirby, and you save the green-haired girl from those bullies you told us. You were her hero!

Tiff: Tuff's right, (Y/N). But violence isn't always the answer.

(Y/N): I know, Tiff. I just don't know what to do anymore.

Sir Ebrum: Now, don't feel bad, (Y/N). Besides, I think you were brave to save the young lady.

Lady Like: Agreed, there's no need to worry, (Y/N). I'm sure his majesty will sort your situation out soon.

Before (Y/N) could speak, the double doors to the throne were opened and revealed King Dedede.

Dedede: (Y/N). I want to say something important. Meta Knight and I figured out how to deal with your anger issues.

(Y/N): What's the answer to my problem, Dad.

Dedede: *sigh*... It's a long story, but I'll tell you about it later. Right now, pack up your bags. You're moving to another home.

Everyone including (Y/N): WHAT?!?

Kirby: POYO?!?

A/N: Very shocking that King Dedede decided to tell his adoptive son to move, but why? It has something to do with the discussion with Meta Knight earlier. Where would (Y/N) move and what would happen to him? Only Dedede knows, but be sure to tune in for the next chapter!

"Her Royal Dream Hero" Fem Izuku x Son of Dedede Male reader x HaremWhere stories live. Discover now