Chapter 2

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The boy on the floor looked up....I recognised his face immediately...Niall...

Without thinking I ran over to him and helped him up. The other boys stopped laughing and were asking Niall was he okay. He just nodded. "What were you doing??"I asked him. "That's a good question.... I umm... we were..."his face started to turn bright red. "He was showing us where two beautiful girls are staying."replied one boy with curly brown hair. "Oh...yeah. He's Harry...Zayn...Liam...Louis." Niall said pionting at each of the boys. "Lads, this is..."he said pointing at me. "Oh hi I'm Ruth." I said holding out my hand. They all shook my hand and when I was about to shake Harry's hand he said " I dont wanna call you Ruth... I'll call you Koala." He said smiling. I looked down at what I was wearing. I could feel myself blush.

"C'mon Ruth!! Joey Essex wont wait for you!"shouted Melissa. "Bye. Nice to meet you all!" I said before running back to the hotel room. "Be careful Niall."

I closed the door and I could hear them laughing. "Who was it?"Mel asked when I returned. "Just some friends of mine messing." "Oh right, food is here now lets watch."

I laughed and sat next to Mel on the bed and we ate while we watched the tv.

I woke to the sound of people laughing outside in the corridor. I pressed the home button on my phone. 02:37am. I looked over to my right. Mel was asleep. I got out of bed carefully and walked over to the door and opened it. "Niall, I swear if you fell again I'm gonna kill you." I looked up and I couldn't make myself say anything. "I'm not Niall. " a boy with blonde hair said laughing. "Ah now, be nice, Tris! Sorry we woke you I'm Brad Simpso-"

I didn't catch what he said. I felt my head get heavier....and heavier....and even heavier...

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