Chapter 8

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We all walked backstage and the boys went into their dressing room. Mel and I waited outside. "Hey are the boys in there?" two girls asked us. "Um yeah who are you?" Mel asked. "Oh sorry I am Clara and this is my bestie Beth. We got backstage passes."she said showing us their passes.  "Wait here,  I'll tell the boys." I said while going inside the dressing room. Mel stayed with the girls.  "Boys! Are you respectable?"I said covering my eyes with my hands. "Yeah." They replied. I opened my eyes and nearly died.  All of them were topless. Then I noticed that Brad wasn't with them. "Hey wheres Brad?"I asked. "Right here."he whispered in my ear and putting his hands around my waist. "Stop," I giggled, "get dressed, two of your fans are waiting for you." He let go of me and rushed to the door and opened it. "Why hell-oo ladies."he said posing. "Come in, come in." Tris said bowing.  I laughed "Tris is the only one who cares about what ladies see. Im proud of you hon!" I said giving him a hug. He hugged me back and said "I know its shameful that they do it!"he joked.

We pulled away and I looked at Brad. "Oh so you don't like the view, well then, I have no hopes for our future!"he said pouting.  "Oh come on here babe its okay. Its gonna be okay, we wont have a future.  We would if you were Joey Essex though." He pretended to cry so I decided to play along. I leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.  "Better?" I asked.  He nodded happily and walked over to his wardrobe and took out a t shirt. I then forgot that their fans were standing right there.  Even worse, they had their phones out and I think they filmed it all. "We're not together. " I said  clarifying it. The girls just smiled and Clara whispered to Beth "they would be cute together though."

"I know that we would, but this munchkin has to approve first."Brad said winking.  The girls 'awwed' at us and to make matters even more embarrassing,  James came over and slapped my butt. "Brad you better hurry if you want her, shes a good one." "Guys leave poor Ruth alone."said Connor as he and Mel came back.  I never even realised that they left the room! I tried to keep my laughter in but I couldn't.  Everybody looked at me and all I could manage to say through my laughter was "Connor..." "what?" He asked.

After I calmed down a bit,  I said "Connor, you have a little something on your lips. It might be MAC lipstick.  But I'm wearing lip gloss so the only person who it was..... was my BEST FRIEND!!" I joked and both of their faces when really red. Connor wiped the lipstick off quickly. "Sooo anyways, what are your names?" James asked the girls. "I'm Clara and this is my best friend Beth." The girls all got a hug from each of the boys and they took some photos as well. Then I noticed something.  Beth nudged Clara and then Clara nodded. She cleared her throat and began to speak. "Um sorry but do you have a Sharpie and some paper? We don't want any signatures please." Tris looked confused and everyone just stood there.  "Guys you all are so rude!" I said surprised.  "Mel give me your handbag." She handed me her bag and I took out three A4 sheets of paper and a Sharpie.  "There you go hun." I said handing the girls the things. Beth took them and started  write on it. She held it up and it said:

Hey I'm Beth! I only talk through writing as I can't talk (personal stuff) I hope you don't find me weird.. :( I'm 18 and I just wanna say that you Brad and that girl with the ombre hair would be perfect together!! (Sorry I dont know you're name)

I looked at Brad and he looked back at me. "I dont find you weird."said James snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked at Beth and she looked as if she was gonna cry. "Anyways, why dont we go for a cheeky Nandos since all we are doing is talking in a boys dressing room."

"Im in on that one!" Tris said putting his hand in the air. "Okay, guys get ready. James,  did you bring your car?" Yeah it's round the back. You can use it if you want." "Oh no, no its okay I have my car. Come on girls lets go" I said making my way out. I looked behind me and the girls were following me.

"This car is so cute!!!"said an excited Clara when we reached my car. "Why thank you, my- my dad got it for my Sweet Sixteen.." I said trying to hold back tears.

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