Chapter 6

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I took my guitar off him and sat on the edge of the bed. I took in a deep breath and began to sing one of my new covers:Yoing Volcanoes.

When Rome's in ruins, we are the lions

Free of the coliseums

In poison places, we are anti-venom

We're the beginning of the end

Tonight the foxes hunt the hounds

It's all over now before it has begun

We've already won

We are wild, we are like young volcanoes

We are wild, Americana, exotica

Do you wanna feel a little beautiful baby?


Come on make it easy, say I never mattered

Run it up the flagpole

We will teach you how to make boys next door

Out of ********

Tonight the foxes hunt the hounds

It's all over now before it has begun

We've already won

We are wild, we are like young volcanoes

We are wild, Americana, exotica

Do you wanna feel a little beautiful baby?


We are wild, we are like young volcanoes

We are wild, Americana, exotica

Do you wanna feel a little beautiful baby?


I looked up at Brad to see him in awe. I smiled and he smiled back. "Look, I downloaded all of your covers from iTunes. "he said showing me his playlist on his phone. I could feel myself start to blush. "So is that why you are in London? To sign a contract?" "Um no,  Mel and I came for your concert. "

"Oh what seat are you in?"he asked. I put my guitar on the floor and picked up my handbag. I took out my purse and got out my ticket. "Ummm....B46?" "Here give me that. Do you have a Sharpie?"he asked. I nodded and looked in Mel's purse. (Mel is big into art so she always carries around things like that) I handed him the Sharpie. He wrote his signature on my ticket. "When they scan your ticket, tell them I said for you to be in the front row with Mel. Okay?" "Sure."

"I'll be back in a minute, I just wanna get changed into my pj's" I said running into the bathroom. Everything is escalating so fast.... I dont wanna be left behind....again... I gathered up my things and came out of the bathroom to find Brad standing there. His face was the saddest face I've seen in my whole life. "What happened?" I asked concerned.  "Why didnt you tell me??"he said as he handed me a silver box. I knew what it blades....for when I cut myself.....


I started cutting when everyone at school found out about my brother. I would try and cover up by saying that he wasn't even my brother and stupid stuff like that. But nobody would listen. They started to call me names because of him. I would end up being beaten up. I felt as if the whole world was against me...I was scared...lonely.... my mum and dad split and my mum remarried.... I went to live with my dad but ever since the divorce, he turned down the dark path of drinking and drugs. I moved back with mum and Daniel (my brother). My step dad is very strict and hates me and my brother. 'Just because Daniel's got down syndrome doesn't make him any different' I would say  to him. But of course he wouldnt listen. I gave up school to look out for my brother. But as more problems arose,  more lines were being made on my skin. They got deeper amd deeper. It got the point where I tried to commit suicide... but one thing held me down... Luke and Mel. They always were there for me through the thick and thin and I love them for it.

End of background.


I told Brad everything... "You dont anymore, right?"he asked. I looked down at my stomach. Brad sighed and asked "do you mind if I see?" I shook my head and I lifted my t-shirt to reveal four scars on the side of my stomach. Brad ran his hand over them lightly not to hurt me. He took hold of my hand and lifted my chin up with his other hand. "Promise me you wont do it again. Promise. I will always be here for you. No matter what but first you have to promise me." I could see his eyes fill up with tears. Seeing him this way made me cry too. I buried my head into his chest and whispered "I promise"in his ear. "Good."

We must have fallen asleep after that as we woke up still on the bed. I tried to get up but I saw Brad and my legs intertwined. I didnt want to wake him so I stayed a bit longer. I pressed the home button on my phone.

7 missed calls from: Mel xx
14 text messages:

From: Mel xx
Please open the door.

From: Mel xx
Let me innnnnnnn!!!!!

From: Mel xx
I give up have fun snogging Simpson. Im staying at Connor's.

From: Mel xx
I came back for a bit and I heard you telling him the whole story. Hope it went well hun. Remember I luvs ya da most!!!

There were loads more but I couldnt be bothered to read them all. I felt Brads legs move so I moved slightly. "Morning babe." Danm his husky morning voice.... "Morn'in." I said yawning.  Brad sat up on the bed and checked his phone. He laughed and showed me.

From: Con
Where the fuck are you? If your fucking that Ruth girl, I swear to god....

From: Tris
Hey baby, I thought we had something special.  Never thought you would cheat on me... XD

From: James
Haha you have Ruth we have Melissa.... wanna trade? ;)

I laughed and decided to ring Mel.

A/n ( r=ruth m=melissa)

R heya
M hey hun
R where did you stay last night?
M at the boys they were really nice to me but every time the conversation would revert back to 'how well do you think Ruth and Brad will get along?' And 'I ship Rudley all the way'
R haha sounds like the best topic ever. Wanna come home?
M you bet! Let me in this time!!
R I will okay bye
M bye!

When I ended the phone call Brad was standing right behind me. He looked me in the eyes and put his hands around my waist. "Sorry,  but I can't wait any longer" he said as he kissed me on the lips. I kissed him back too. The kiss grew into a more passionate kiss and I was now up against the wall and Brad pulled away from the kiss. "Thats all for now."he said with a wink before leaving my hotel room. I smiled to myself... I just had nearly a full make out session with Bradley Will Simpson....   Then ome thing came to my mind... Why woukd Brad chose me out of all other women in the world....why me?

You're Weird, but I Love You.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant