Chapter 3

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"Nurse, will she be okay?"

"Yeah. Has this ever happened to her before?"

"Umm..yeah I mean when we were younger it used to happen all the time. It's the first in about two years irs happened."

"You'll be glad to hear she will be alright."

I opened my eyes to find Mel and a young nurse standing beside me. "Hi, hun, you alright?" Mel asked in a soft voice. I nodded and tried to sit myself up. "Hi, is she alright?"

I looked around and saw Tristan. I put my hand over my mouth. Its gonna happen again....I'm gonna black out.... "Ruth, try and fight it."said the nurse. I took a deep breath in and out. "Thats it... now try and calm yourself."

After a bit of breathing, three other boys came in. I couldn't believe it... Brad, Tristan, James and Connor were here with me in the hospital... "I never thought I'd meet The Vamps in hospital." I joked. Everyone laughed. "I think you're ready for home come on, lets go."said Mel helping me off the bed. "How will we get back to the hotel?" I asked. "I can drive us, its not that far from here."said Tristan. I looked at the others and they nodded. We got into Tristan's car. There was six of us and only five seats so Brad offered for me to sit on his knee. "Are you sure?" I asked him. "Yeah, no problem!"he replied with a vheeky grin.

As Tristan said, the hotl wadnt that far. The boys lead us to our room and they all left. I was about to close the door when I noticed that Brad was still there."Oh, thanks for everything. It means a lot to me." "It was nothing, I'll see you around pretty Ruth!"he said with a wink. I closed the door and walked over to the bed to find Mel was already asleep. I looked at my phone. 05:57am. I got into the bed trying to not wake Mel up. "Night Mel. " I whispered before closing my eyes. "Night hun."she replied.

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