❦ A Fail Mission?

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Third Person's POV

"We told you, we don't need you help!"

Carina screamed internally, the demon inside her begging to be release so it can choked the person in front of her to death


Because both Carina and Reiko have no more plan on how to bring back the survivors back to the island. They tried everything they could but nothing work! It's been about four days and the respond they receive is always the same. The survivors pretended they did not see them when they arrived and when Carina greeted the one she see as the 'leader' which are an old man and the old woman, they got yelled at, 

"But, madam," Carina tried to reason with her for millionth time, "We are here to help you and--"

"No! They day you arrived, I know you are from the government!" The old man yelled, swinging his wooden cane around, "You're taking us away so you can search this island and built some creepy building!"

'Where did that idea even come from?!' Carina growled quitedly

"Sir, we are here to help you find your grandchildren" Elera spoke, a little bit angry at the accusation


"We are not lying!" Jung Hae said

"Please, let us tell you our plan" Carina said, 

"No, leave!" the old lady said, digging the sand and threw them at her. 

Carina simply dodged,

"As my teammate was saying," she cleared her throat, "We are here to help, and like I told you three days ago, two rescue team has been send to the nearby island to search for your grandchildren, and now we must ask you to leave this island so we can search it"

"I don't believe you!"


"Go, leave! We already search this island!"

"We assure you that we--"


Carina calmly took a deep breath. Her gears inside her brain move as fast as they could so she could make something out to make this mission a success. A few seconds later, she smile at both of the old folk, "Well, then, if you don't mind, could we check on your family member before we leave?"

"Yes! To make sure you are all healthy!" Elera helped as she understand that her leader is trying to open an opportunity to speak to the other survivors

Jung Hae and Shinichi looked at each other before smiling along, creating a bring beam of smile from four of them,

Thinking about their family members lives, the two nodded,

"I give you an hour and then you all must leave!"

Carina nodded and turn to her teammates, "Tanin o settoku shiyou*"
*try to convince the others

The three nodded, thankfully all of them understand Japanese,

"Why are you speaking other language?" the old woman asked loudly,

"Because my new teammates only speak Japanese!" Carina fake smiled, "Seikai, Shinichi? *"
*Right, Shinichi?

"Uh.. Hai! *"

She eye her suspiciously before scoffing and walked away, "Check them and leave already"

Carina gave another smile, watching her walked away

"Alright... Shinichi, you convince the west part, Jung Hae, east, Elera south. I'll take the north" She said, "Make sure to make our intention inconspicuous"

Princess of A Demon and Prince of Italy (Prince Series Fanfic) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now