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WARNING: Quite a dark chapter... I guess,

Evelyn's POV


It's pinch black...

So dark...

I'm suffocating...!

"Breath slowly, keep yourself calm! Brace your mind!"


Third Person's POV, 9 Years ago,

"Can you hear me?"

". . . . ."

"Carina, can you hear me?"

". . . . . L.."






"Doctor Hunt, that's enough," A voice come out through the speaker inside the room; A solid white room, tightly secure.

As Doctor James Hunt walked out of the room through the automatic door, a sharp blue eyes, watch him,

"So?" the owner of the dangerous eyes taunted; Evan Fowl, "What diagnosis have you gather this pass three month?"

"As you see, she refuse to cooperate, Mr Fowl," Dr Hunt said, "We actually have decide to send her to a normal ward tomorrow if there's no improvement,"

"Are you mad?!" Quentin protested, "Prince Shintarou avoid his family, also injuring them! How do you think Carina will reach?!"

"I'm sorry, but we did as much as we can," the doctor bow, "Now, the best way is to let her stay her until we are sure her lungs are fine, and then you are free to take her home. She need support from close family,"

"I see," Godfreg tried to be as calm as he could, "Thank you, Doc. We'll take our leave now,"

"Have a good day, sirs," The doctor said, watching them exited the room,

"Godfreg, what's wrong with you?" Quentin question him, "She's in dangerous state. She somehow manage to hurt some of the doctor earlier last month!"

"She'll become more dangerous if we just keep her there," Evan shook his head, "That's why I think it's more of the find to let her out of that all white room,"


"Excuse me,"

The three turned to see Doctor Hunt


"If you don't mind, sirs," he began, walking closer to them. He looked into his surrounding before whispering; "In an hour, meet me at the rooftop. I'll have some information for you. It is regarding Carina"

Eyes widen, they tried to process his word, but before they could say anything he's out of sight

Evan's POV

"What information did you speak about?"

"The Doctor, Doctor V is hiding something from you,"

"What do you mean?"

"Your daughter will indeed be fine out of the room, but please, don't listen to Doctor V when he say she should only be around people she already know and close too,"

"Then?" I crossed my arm

"Please note that the more people she know, the better."

"I don't get it? Why would Dr V lie to us?"

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