❦ Mission preparation

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A/N: When talking with/about the team member, swears/curse/bad words may be involve^^;;

Evelyn's POV

"What, why?"

"Carina, please we talked about this!"




"But this is for your mission!"

"Can't I just wear a wig?"

"We don't know who long this mission will be, a wig can be really unsuitable" Lizzy said, "Just... Just let me dye your hair"

I sighed, "Oh, alright"

"Okay, now, what color?"


"We're not going with teal"

"Tch, that what's the point of asking me?"

"Leader, you're so childish right now..."

"Yeah? I don't realize" I pouted,

"I'll dye it black, okay?"

"Hm, sure, whatever"

Elizabeth sighed and began her work to dye my hair

"You know, leader, your hair is extremely beautiful. You must have take a very good care of it"

"...My father once said that he love my hair, so since then, I take care of it as if it's my life. Aside from natural treatment, I go to a hair salon once every two weeks"

"No wonder you don't want to dye your hair..." she mumbled, "It'll ruin your hair"

"Yeah, Dad also said he love the color, the same color as his"

"You really love you father... you take his word to heart"


Lizzy giggled and continued her work, after a few moment, I received a phone call,

"Hello, ah, yes Godfreg" I answered the call, "Yes, I am the one who send Agent 505, and I believe he tell you my wish to--"

"To send the princes to uninhabited island?"

I hummed to him as answer, "Do tell me Godfreg, how's the election doing? How about the food fair that dearest Alex suggested?"

There was a solid silent before I could heard Godfreg sigh heavily,

"It was today, Evelyn... and it did not went well"

"One second thought, stop. I don't want to know what happened"

"Okay, but, are you sure about--"

"Yes," I simply said, "I know this sound as if I'm passing my job to you and the princes, but after some consideration, I believe that the princes can't show their true abilities with the school's environment, you know, full of  rich brats, it's unsuitable. They are to comfortable... It's not like the world they will be ruling have the same environment.."

"Well, I have to agree with you there..."


"Alright, I'll give you my cooperation"

"Splendid-- ouch!"


"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine" I said, "Well, then Agent 505 will pick them up in a few days,"

"Okay," Godfreg said, "I'll just tell Alex the report of information you gave"

Princess of A Demon and Prince of Italy (Prince Series Fanfic) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now