Chapter 13

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I was allowed to go home after four days of treatment only because I insisted. Still my body was bandaged and plastered. Paras came home with me to help me.

"I'll change and come soon." Oniza excused herself when Paras helped me to my room.

"How's Shameel?" I asked. Shameel isn't yet discharged as he didn't want to. He agreed to stay at the hospital saying that it's much better than his lodge. But he did not talk to anybody because he too was drown in the feeling of guilt just like me. Doctor said that he won't be able to walk atleast for six months and that made me regret more. I wasn't much injured because I was at the backseat. According to doctor, the cause of Rizlan's death is, not buckling the seatbelt.

He did not buckle it because he had confidence in himself. It is me who directed him and...

Not again, Uzaid!

"He's of course not fine." Replied Paras. "He's feeling guilty for what happened. He's isn't even eating anything. Kareem Uncle had to give him a lecture to make him eat."

"You can go and have some rest, Paras. Thank you so much for everything. I'm sure you must be tired." I said giving his hand a squeeze. He was at the hospital from day one. He was worried alot about me and Shameel.

"Okay but can you remember what Doc said?" He asked pointing at my shirt.

"Oh yeah!" I replied. Because of the plasters, Doctor asked me to avoid wearing shirts or t-shirts if I want them to heal soon. Paras helped me to remove it and placed it on the cloth rack.

"I'll take your leave then." Said Paras.

"Thanks again, Paras. I owe you for everything."

"You're welcome but it's my responsibility to help you as a friend. Call me if you need anything." He said and left the room.

I leaned back on the bed and the ride again played in my mind. I killed someone who addressed me as his brother. I'm the reason for an innocent soul's death.

Ya Allah, please forgive me. It was unintentional. If I knew about the wall, I wouldn't have asked him to turn left. He was a great friend. Grant him Jannatul Firdous Ya Allah! He was closer to you and he brought me closer to you. Please forgive me for what I did for him!

I turned on hearing the door open. Oniza came in with her blanket in hand and stopped when she saw me.

Oh no! I'm shirtless!

I grabbed the blanket from my free hand and soon covered myself. She smiled at me and I tried to return it. Leaving her blanket on the chair, she went out again. I was left alone with his haunting thoughts.

Urabath Rizlan Kareem!

To say the truth, I wasn't this sad even when my grandparents died. His death made me feel empty. I felt like I lost a part in me. The loss was unexplainable. Tears were back in my eyes, finding their way through my cheek. They are my companions after Rizlan left me.

I'm sorry Rizlan! I'm really sorry!

Oniza came in with a plate in her hand and sat on the bed, facing me. I ,too slowly, straighten myself.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"I'm... I'm feeling better Alhamdulillah." I don't know whether it's a lie or the truth.

"You better eat something. Here." She said taking a spoonful of soup.

Is she gonna feed me?

"Oniza, you don't have to do all tho..."

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