When they are upset

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Business was booming for the bakery lately and you had to work a lot more leaving Asra alone, they knew it wasnt your fault but he just missed you. Anytime you had a day off you were exhausted and it just pained them, especially not seeing you around the shop. Finally your boss decided to give a small few day vacation since he hired new workers, so you went to surprise Asra. With pumkin bread and herbs in the basket, you traveled down the street to the shop and opened the door. Asra was nowhere in sight, "must be sleeping you thought." You went to their room and there was Asra sobbing holding the pillow you always slept on. You walked forward and removed the pillow, repleacing it with your self and hugging them tightly. They kept trying to apologize, but you denied it was either of your faults. Finally after accepting that fact, they decided to spend a lazy day with you and Faust.

He suffers depression, no doubt, but he had a mask on around you so you didn't worry even though deep down you knew he wasn't okay. He was at your little apartment reading one of your medical text books and just not looking like his usual sly self. You stay next to him, and moved his face to face you. He looked up then started to look away, you stopped him, "everything okay?" He shrugged and you pulled him to lean on you. You took his eye patch off, which freaked him out and he closed his eye. "You don't have to show me, but if you need to cry you shouldn't get your eye patch wet. He nodded slowly and let out a couple tears, then snuggling againt you more as you stroked his hair. He didn't make a big scene, just sat there wanting to be loved.

She never told you about Lucio, and that was okay, you didn't ask cause yoy didn't want her to be upset, but one day you sewn her looking at a photo of them together. You sat next to her and waited for her to speak. "Even though he was my husband at one point, we didn't love each other, but more of cared for each other..." She stopped. "Do you miss him?" She looked at you. "Its okay, I understand. It's okay to miss someone." She let a few tears go of relieve you werent upset. She flung onto you and sobbed quietly, letting her stress out and her guilt. You stroked her haor and rubbed her back, telling her it was okay and making her smile with "we are just two broken people, healing each other."

For a cheerful girl, she sometimes hid her true feelings so you didn't see her hurt. She was strong indeed, but even she can fall apart at times. It was a rare day off for the both of you, and you went out to get some ingredients while Portia stayed behind to,catch up on cleaning. You walked into the door and she was nowhere in sight. You called out for her, but there was no answer. You finally went into your shared bedroom and she sat there looking out the window crying. You sat next to her and pulled her to lean on you. She wiped her tears and you both sat in comfortable silence. She just rested on you and knew this was what she wanted. After a while she kissed your cheek as a thank you, and you both made cookies and cuddled together for the rest of the night.

He was sting, but sensitive. He was a man to never show emotion. You hadn't seen him in a couple days and it worrued you if something happened to him. Inanna sat outside your house one morning and lead you to Muriel's hut, you have never been here before. She lead you inside to see Muriel sitting by the fireplace hunched over and just staring at the fore with the cloak over his head. You smiles knowing he was safe, but a frown soon played on your lips. You sat next to him and he looked surprised. You leaned over and hugged him tightly, which he froze then soon slightly leaned back. You both just stayed like that, no talking required because you knew he wouldn't say anything, but that way he knows he has someone to trust and rely on.

It was late in the after noon and Lucio was nowhere to be found, you searched high and low for your lost lover, but he was nowhere. You slowly walked through his animal sanctuary for the fifth time to finally spot him sitting down by some bushes. You were about to speak when you looked at what he was holding, a dead baby bird, the one that was sick and he tried so hard to save. You sat next to him, and rubbed his back. He looked as if he wanted to cry but simply couldn't. He held the baby bird until some of the animal caretakers came with a beautiful box to bury the bird. He said his last goodbye to it and turned around hugging you tight, and you returned it because this was one of the few times, he showed you his week side.

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