Queen of Hearts P1

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A choir's harmony filled Morgana's ears as the doors to the Great Hall opened before her, revealing what seemed like hundreds of people, shining knights and noble ladies lining either side of a velvet aisle, crimson, similar to the banners decorating the walls. If she didn't know better, she could've sworn that the room was lit by magic, swirls of red and gold light dancing overhead, but as she approached the thrones on the far side of the hall, she realised she had to be mistaken. None of the faces she recognised would ever allow anything close to sorcery within the castle, even if it was just for decoration.

The ward shook her head and continued down the pathway, realising that she was following a rather familiar figure. A tall woman strode confidently in front of her, her purple dress that of nobility, but even her clothes couldn't disguise Merlyn's powerful aura, enchanting almost, like some kind of sprite. Morgana watched as Merlyn reached the end of the aisle, smiling up at Arthur with a look of horrific love and tenderness, before she knelt solemnly at his feet.

Arthur looked a little older, stubble stuck to his chin, his waist a little thicker than Morgana remembered. He was looking down at Merlyn with the same love, the same devotion that she had shown him since she'd first stepped foot into Camelot. Well, within the first few weeks anyway. His hand was extended towards a third figure a servant holding an embroidered cushion. Ygraine's crown sat on top of it, the purple jewels matching Merlyn's gown, sparkling brighter than they had in decades.

Arthur took the crown, fiddling with it, almost nervously, as he stared down at his peasant queen, something akin to pride glimmering in his eyes.

"By the sacred laws vested in me, I pronounce you Merlyn, Queen of Camelot." he announced, lifting his bride to her feet so that they could both sit in their golden thrones, the two of them almost gods among men.

Morgana awoke with a gasp, relieved to find herself alone in her room, to realise that Uther was still king, Merlyn was nothing more than aggravating servant and Arthur was no closer to the throne, to her throne than she was.

Touching her bracelet, she knew that the vision had to have been strong to break through Morgause's magic. It had to mean something. Morgana was unsure about so many things, but she knew that, if she wanted Merlyn as far away from the crown as possible, she had to act now.



Morgana could swear that she heard Morgause's voice as she walked through an abandoned part of the castle, a whisper in the wind forming words with each breath.


It was louder now, more forceful as Morgana made her way through the hallway, listening for the sound of sorcery.

"Sister. This way."

A wooden door opened in front of her, revealing a stone stairwell reaching to a deserted store room inside one of the towers. A torch miraculously lit itself as she approached it, scaring away the darkness as the ward listened to the hushed murmurs of her sister, finding herself deep in a sea of broken cobwebs.

Finally, she sensed a presence behind her. Turning, she caught a glimpse of blonde hair, smiling as she realised that the lone figure was, indeed, Morgause.

"Hello, sister." the sorceress chuckled, enveloping Morgana in a long hug.

"I can't tell you how good it is to see you." the ward breathed into her ear, her voice slightly high-pitched with relief.

Morgause let her go, but kept her hand on Morgana's arm, refusing to let go of her completely. "I got your message. Tell me about these dreams that have been troubling you."

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