Chapter 2 part 2

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Hey my dear friends! I'm so sorry for not updating sooner, I DON'T HAVE A EXUSE THIS TIME! I hope you'll enjoy my story!

They decided not to use the gowns and thought that they would find gowns somewhere else.  The group headed to their room after they were done. As Caroline, Chloe and Lily walked up another marble staircase, Caroline saw Mark looking down at her from the top. When she met his gaze he blushed pink and hurried into his room, just as the girls had started to reach the top. Caroline giggled to herself and blushed a little. It was the evening of Sunday, and the girls were preparing for their first day learning at Mary Rose Academy. They were preparing the day before because they were very, very nervous. "Backpack, lunch and snack, blank notebooks, new magic crystal phone for contacting new friends, laptop for school work, chapstick, an emergency hair brush. Oh, and pens and pencils!" Caroline mumbled as she went over her list. "Okay, I think I got everything." She told her friends and plopped onto her bed and immediately fell asleep. The next morning Caroline woke up early. She stared up to the ceiling for ten minutes, studying any cracks she could find. She was anxious and couldn't sleep. Caroline thought to herself. "It's classic, Girl at a new school, new friends, new crush, new hater! Someone quick, write a book about my life! UuuuuGggghhhh!" she picked up her personal copy of "The Sisters Grimm, The Problem Child", to see how Puck and Sabrina kissed. When she finished the chapter, Caroline sighed. "Puck is a jerk!" she told herself out loud. Then Caroline got from bed and changed into one of the outfits she had gotten at the "store" a few days ago. The top was a pastel pink with bell sleeves and white cotton shorts that went a a few inches higher than the her knees. Caroline brushed her hair, put it in a high fishtail braid. She used a sapphire hair clip to keep a long lock of hair that didn't fit into her braid but was too long to just be hanging there. Now her style resembled something between relaxed and concentrated. Caroline took cereal and milk out of the only refrigerator in the room, took a bowl, and ate her cereal fast.

Hey there! I hope you enjoyed this short part! Hopefully, the next one will be longer!


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