Bloodlust | Shota Aizawa

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Requested by: @smiley_smiley_waifu

Genre: 💛

Warnings: Sexual themes

Other: Vampire Quirk


"Hurry up before the brats get back, I don't want to spend an hour answering questions." The black haired male grumbled as he continued cutting vegetables.

"Shut you grump. Cooking takes time and patience!" I say, raising my wooden spoon in the air to emphasise my point. I then continued beating the dough for the dumplings.

A sudden loud bang and cattle of metal sounds, I rush over to turn down the over boiling potatoes. Taking them out of the pan and putting the into the slow cooker with everything else.
Shota empties the veg into the cooker too, giving me chance to catch notice of the red on his hand and the sweet metallic smell that is encasing him.

Putting the lid on the cooker, I quickly snatch his hand, bringing it to my face.

"You're so clumsy, Shota~" I purred, his sweet scented blood enticing me. He sneered at me, attempting to pull away with a predominant blush on his cheeks.

I placed his hand near my mouth, running my tongue along the cut. He always tasted so sweet.

He whined slightly at the contact, noticing the lustful look on my face and his eyes widening a little.

"N-no. Not here, the class will be coming back soon." He stressed as I moved closer to him, wrapping him up in my arms and kissing gently at his neck.

"Of course, love~" I cooed against his neck, causing him to shiver. I phased us back to his apartment, pushing him back on his bed and crawling on top of him. Assaulting his neck with bites and kisses as his scarf gets discarded on the floor.

"Ah... I hate that y-you can do that." He grumbles, removing his shirt with no hesitation. I chuckle lowly, nipping at his bare skin as I feel the fabric of my own shirt being lifted over me.

He leans up kissing my neck as he undoes his pants, kicking them off till he's only in his boxers, his tented underwear prompting me to do the same.

I bite my way down his stomach, to his hips and defined v-line.

"Stop teasing you prick!" Shota growled, jutting his hips into me a bit.

I smirk, leaning back up and placing my hardened cock by his unprepared entrance. Biting down harshly on the soft flesh of his shoulder as I push my way in, his cries of pain and discomfort turning me on further.

I push myself in fully and stop to let him adjust. He grabs my chin and forces me to look at him.

"N-no... keep g-going."

"It'll hurt, let yourself adjust."

"Do it!"

With his demand, I pull back and slam into him harshly, relishing in the cry of pain he let's out.

"G-go on."

I keep going, harder and faster each time. His cries of pain soon turn to pleasure, so I take to biting down on his skin, drawing blood from different areas.

My little masochist screams his pleasures, reaching his high and climaxing onto our stomachs.

"Not just yet baby~" I say, indicating I have not reached my climax, he nods as I raise my hand and make a turning gesture. He obeys my silent command and turns to have his was in the air.

I keep going, harder than I had before a better angle making each thrust of my hips more effective. I was leaning over him, with both hands gripping the mattress just above his shoulders.

I feel a light tug on my right hand, looking up to the back of his head I put my weight onto my other hand as he lifts my right one.

He places it in his hair. I smirk through my groans, pulling his hair and head back, his drooling face a beauty to my eyes.

As I near my climax, I assault his neck again, sloppy kisses and tender bites over his Adam's apple.

He moans loudly, nearing his second climax too.

I reach my high, cumming inside of him as he does onto the bed, collapsing into it soon after.

I pull myself out of him, getting out of bed. I go over and put on some boxers and my jeans, turning around to his half lifted eyes glaring at me.

The lovely view I have of his was dripping with my own cum is enough to make me want to fuck him again. I bite my lip and smirk.

"You better stop making that face or we'll have round two right now." I walk over and kiss his forehead, petting his hair. "I'm going to go and check on those kids, I'll be back later~"

And with a sly wink I phased out of the room before the black haired male could start shouting at me.

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