Clown | Shota Aizawa

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Requested by: TheOfficialSimp

Genre: ❤💛

Quirk: the reader has wings, but they're like that of a dragons with scales that also cover the majority of their back

Soulmate AU: Each person has a different way of finding their soulmate, for Aizawa it's one of the rarer ones. For him, his soulmate is the only one who can make him laugh.


The city had bustled with nightlife as the sky turned dark and lights illuminate the concrete maze. The quiet underground hero Eraserhead finishing up the last of his patrol as he makes his way back onto city streets, concealing his goggles within his scarf.

The hero had never had a problem with blending into a crowd, and so, no one had questioned the man as he joined the few people still wandering the streets, either going home or to some late night event.

For this tired hero, home sounded like the best option, although his regular bar also sounded a good place to eat after working extra hours on his patrol.

The dark haired hero made his way to the quieter area of town, a small bar with a small neon open sign only a few feet ahead. Just as he was about to push through the door two people emerged, they were holding hands and had matching tattoos on their wrists... a soulmate sign.

Aizawa sighed as the happy couple passed him, he never had or found any markings on his body like other people, but he had accepted the fact years ago that he just didn't have a soulmate. He was fine with it.

Shaking off the depressive thoughts, he pushed open the doors to the bar and went straight to the bar stool he always took.


"Yes. Thanks."

The small exchange being an almost tradition every Friday night now. Then he would be left alone to drink himself to near unconscious, except not tonight it seemed.

"Complete shitshow they hired tonight. Can't even get a full sentence out without fucking up." Aizawa turned to the man next to him, who was facing the stage as he spoke, snickering at the young performer who got increasingly flustered as the crowd watched him plainly.

Aizawa turned as well, watching the man stumble and panic as he tried to tell his jokes.

"S-so did you hear about the break out  at the WWF facility?"

"You suck!"

"Get off the stage!"

Aizawa almost felt sorry for the man, he was clearly uncomfortable and seemed on the verge of giving up.

"It was.... panda-monium."





The chaotic sound of laughter filled the quite room.

The performer's eyes lit up, scanning the room to spot the handsome man in hysterics at his lame joke.

Aizawa couldn't even recognise his own surprise through his fits of laughter, his stomach churning and his heart throbbing, somewhere in his mind telling him that it was the funniest thing he had ever heard.

Although the handsome teacher would readily admit that the joke was horrible, he could not seem to stop the chorus of belting laughs that spouted from his mouth, he was very nearly falling from his seat, eyes watering as he inwardly started to panic at his situation.

With newfound hope, the performer went on, finishing the rest of his set with Aizawa, laughing audibly at every joke.


"Thanks for that, I wasn't that funny and I know I'm not good, but you still had the guts to embarrass yourself over those other dickheads." The [H/c] haired man chuckled as he had approached the bar, sitting next to his seemingly biggest fan.

"To be honest... I don't know what came over me... I couldn't stop." The ravenette answered honestly, staring into those [E/c] gemstones, entranced by the man before him.

"Then maybe... this was fate? Our meeting?" The performer supposed, a hopeful glimmer in his eyes as he was consciously aware that he may very well be talking to his soulmate. He had felt a connection the moment he laid eyes on the laughing man, love at first sight many would say, a more common manner of soulmate finding. "In any case, I'm sorry I pretty much forced you to laugh, but unfortunately your soulmate is a wannabe comedian!"

Shota chuckled, swirling his frink in his hand. "Name's Shota Aizawa."

"[Y/n] [L/n]."

Aizawa couldn't help but stare a little as his soulmate smiled, it was like it filled him with warmth, a supposed side effect from a soulmates bond. Though he wasn't disappointed at all with his dad-joke spouting comedy genius of a soulmate.

"Guess the only thing to do now is to take you out on an amazing date. Or.... we could just go back to my place... Sho~ta."

The ravenette felt his face flush at the thought, eagerly standing up. Pausing in a subtle manner, debating with himself over the man he seemed to have found himself with... a flirty jokester. Swearing to himself that he doesn't have a type, he grabs the arm of his soulmate.

"Shut up. Let's go."

Bit shit,
Idk shut up

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