Sweet | Shota Aizawa

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Requested by: eeveemasterava1

Genre: 💛💚

Warnings: sexual themes / kinky / ass eating


It was your birthday!

But there was nothing to celebrate, you never celebrated it, never found a reason to.

So when you got home fron work, walking through the front door to the overwhelming smell of chocolate, you sighed.

"Shota, you know I didn't want to do anything for today." You called out into the apartment, putting your coat and shoes away at the door. You paused when you didn't recieve a reply, before shrugging to yourself and assuming he was asleep.

You walked through to the kitchen, and what you saw made you drop your bag.

There he was, the man you love, wearing nothing but a cooking apron. He was led across the kitchen island, his hair in a messy bun at the back of his head. His head was propped up by a hand on his chin, he had fallen asleep waiting, it was a miracle his hand hadn't slipped with the chocolate syrup that was messily splotched about his body. He looked like he had tried, and failed, at baking.

There was a cake box resting on his bare ass, and you couldn't help but chuckle. You walked around the counter and lifted the box, finding his ass covered in chocolate spread and sprinkles, with the words 'happy birthday' iced messily on top. There was even a lit candle resting on his tailbone. You quickly blew it out and removed it before the wax could burn him.

Quietly laughing to yourself as you looked at your husband's ass, thinking how he had probably picked up the reference to cake from his students, you shook your head, the smile never leaving your face.

You grabbed his hips lightly, before roughly pulling him backwards, lining his ass up with the edge of the counter. The movement startled him awake, his drowsy eyes not really aware of what was happening before he let out a long moan, a tongue having pushed past his entrance, rough hands spreading his legs.

His eyes landed on the bag that had been dropped before the kitchen, smirking to himself slightly.

The tongue left him and he whined slightly, looking back over his shoulder at the man's confused face. You liked your lips and looked at him. "You taste like chocolate?"

"I-its an edible sex gel I found online... there's other flavours if you like?" Shota huffed, trying to catch his breath after the suprise. Although that didn't happen as he gripped the ledge of the counter again, arching his back slightly as your tongue returns.

Pulling away slightly, allowing the man to once again catch his breath, his sultry moans having been non stop. You bite down a little onto one of his syrup covered ass cheeks, earning a yelp and a glare from the man. You proceed to lick a stripe through the chocolate, causing the man to shiver.

You proceed in this pattern, biting and licking at his cheeks, cleaning any evidence of your birthday suprise. When you're done his legs are shaking, ass red as he whimpers.

He's close to his finish. Your tongue swirls around his rim, teasing him, laughing and sending vibrations through him as he tries to push himself onto your tongue.

Finally you give into him, going deeper than you had previously. Savouring in the taste of your favourite flavour, your long tongue grazes his prostate, flucking at it repeatedly.

His moans are near yells now, his walls clecjing around your tongue.

With one last flick of his prostate he comes undone on the counter, painting the inside of his apron. Watching as he collapsed into the counter, you get up, moving to untie his hair and run a hand through it, licking your lips.

"Well, happy birthday to me, I guess."

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