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I was most terrible at doing other things
But loving you was all I could do

Giving you my heart was so easy
It was so much harder refusing to

We were a perfect combination
I think
Our love was just like an illusion
I guess

You made loving you so easy
Even when it was harder for me to love myself

I promised never to let anyone in
Then you came along

Broke down those walls I built up
You melted and tore down my armor

I knew Everyone eventually leaves
But maybe!
Maybe you are a different type of "everyone"
I thought to myself!

Maybe Opening back up wasn't a bad idea after all
Maybe I could give this a try one more time
Maybe I can finally let someone in
Maybe I could love someone and have them love me back

But well,
I turned out wrong
My "Maybes" were just my desperate heart screaming to be loved

You did leave!
Just like I thought you would
You got tired of me!
Just like others did!

You wanted more!
More of me
But little did you know i gave you all I could offer

You felt I wasn't enough
You felt I wasn't tough
I was a weakling

I was a weakling for loving you
I was a weakling for giving you my heart
I was weakling
Yes! I was weakling for letting you in

I kept reaching out for you
And then losing you!
I lose you a hundred times a day
Until you finally slipped away

Loving you turned out to be my worst nightmare

You were a disaster
And I was probably one of your casualties

Wrote this in about 25mins
I hope you liked it!❤️

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