I'M notOK

40 8 3

Save me from myself...
I need your help
I keep shutting myself away from everyone just to feel safe
It's harder to be myself when everyone's watching so I tend to hide in the dark where no one's looking
I'm loosing myself piece by piece to the demons in my head each day... I've got no more strength to wrestle them so now they're submerging from their dessicated cave in my head...
"Not today" I'd say trying to save myself from giving in to the voices...

Shut up
Shut up
Shut up!!!!!
I keep screaming in silence... But they never seem to listen, they alway wanna be heard!

Sometimes it gets harder to breath in here...
I feel it would be much easier to breath if I don't!...
I feel it would be much easier to live if I didn't...

"How are you?" They keep asking ...
And it keeps getting harder every single time to reply cos I'm no longer sure if I can keep up with this charade of "I'm fine"

Most times I want to be alone with the voices in my head, I just wanna hear their sweet melodic scream of terror...
but now I fear I am gradually becoming too toxic for myself

Every minute alone drags me deeper and deeper into the darkness in my head I fear so much..

I wanna scream for help so bad... But all I do is keep shut and hope I get through this *


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