...Someone else

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My fear became a part of me
as the day goes bye,
Every word i had heard
began to define me,
I slowly turned away from what I used to be
to what others thought of me
Pieces of my old self
lingered in the air,
waiting on me
to reach out to them,
but I chose not to
Cos I loved the new me I have become
I loved the me who seems to please others so much
Slowly I became a stranger to my own self,
I looked in the mirror
But all I could see were shards of a broken soul
Yes, a broken soul
trying so hard to put her pieces back together
But as she tries to fix herself,
She became someone different from who she was
Someone she once feared to be

I wrote this cos I feel we all need to stop trying to amend our life to what people think it should be, I've dealt with insecurities all my life, to the extent that whatever I'm being told about myself I tend to let it get to me, I let people's words eat me up in silence .. But recently, I came across a message (video) and it really changed my perspective of who/what I think I am, I'm beginning to love myself just as I am and not let anyone's opinion about me make me feel i ain't good enough , cos I have to be, for me... We shouldn't let people's words get to us... We should always try to protect ourself from the negative people around us... Love who you are now and try to be better, don't change for anyone but yourself 🖤

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