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Rolling in my bed
Always in my head
All I do is think about you
Every song I listen to...
Reminds me of what I thought we had

It's cold in here
And all I can think about is having my arms wrapped around you
I crave the warmth of your body on mine
And the soft peaceful sound of your breath
Smiling while staring into your dreamy eyes
The thought of having you with me  putting my soul at ease

I miss the moments we had
I miss the feeling I get when you call out my name
I miss the comfort of your Smile
I miss the sweet familiarity of your voice

I'm sorry for pushing you away
The words I said
The feelings I hid
The lies I told

I'm a mess and a big one at that... Yes!
I built up these walls around my heart
Promising never to let anyone break through them

...Then you came along
You didn't just break through those walls
You melted them!
Leaving my heart wanting you every second of the day

I've gotten so good at not needing anyone
I forgot how it feels to want someone
But now I do!


        I WANT YOU

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