Holy Hell

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Come let me tell you a story,
A story of a world so Heavenly
Yet, so much like Hell
A world where all of your desires were at your finger tips,
Yet reaching out to them became harder the more u desired
A world where demons never exist,
but of course you could be your own demon In this world

A world I once lived in
It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever known
You could see all of its beauty even with your eyes closed
The blueness of the sky gave my soul all of the calmness it desired
The constellation of stars in that same sky gave me hope of better days to come
Yet, I despised every bit of it
I despised all of the beauty that came with this world
I despised all of the happiness it offered,
...How could I ever love it when all it did was to make me wish you were here?

There were of course no demon in this world,
But I was haunted by your presence each day
I dreamed all about demons,
and I felt the darkened hell this world hid away,
in my soul
I felt all of it flames burn through me...
Even as It became harder each day to live in this Holy Hell,
I persisted,
Just like a dandelion up the pavement,
Until I couldn't anymore,
I let the darkness consume me,
I slowly watched the light in me go out
But I was also happy to be set free
Cos now I see,
I never belonged in that world,
I was always meant to rule over this hell with you by my side
We could wrestle all of its demons

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