Chapter 3 The Third Day of Christmas

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Severus was happily brewing in his new cauldrons when a school owl fluttered down a mail shoot that led into his lab and landed on the table beside his cauldron with a letter in it's beak.  "Of all the insufferable things to happen when I'm actually enjoying myself.  Who in Merlins name is this from?" he grumbled as he ripped into the letter and read it angrily. 

"Dear Professor Severus Snape,

You are invited to what the muggles call an ugly Christmas Sweater party.  The party is to take place tomorrow in the great hall.  All students, staff, and guests are encoraged to wear an ugly christmas sweater.  If you do not have one, I will be happy to transfigure you one.  Your attendence wearing a sweater is mandatory.


Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts."  Severus grumbled to himself and tossed the letter into the trash bin.

"The old man has cracked if he thinks that I'm wearing anything like that, or attending for that matter." said Severus to Angel as she looked at him with a funny expression in her silver eyes.  "Don't look at me like that.  I don't even own any ugly Christmas sweaters.  The last time that I went to one of those parties was when I was thirteen at Malfoy Manor.  I still can't believe that I let her talk me into going home with her and her brother." said Severus as he placed his potion into stasis and exited his lab for the night.

That night when he want to bed he drempt about ugley Christmas sweaters and parties with the Malfoy family. 

~Dearm Sequence~

Severus sat alone in the common room wondering how he was going to get away from James Potter and the Marauders over the Christmas holidays when Angel Malfoy entered the common room and plopped down on the sofa beside him.  "Hello, Severus, can I ask you a question?" she asked with a soft smile on her pink lips.

"Sure Angel, what's on your mind?" asked Severus as he looked into her silver eyes. 

"My big brother and I are going home for Christmas break and my mother told me that I could invite one of my friends to spend the holiday with me at home.  Would you like to come home with Lucius and I, and spend Christmas with us?" she asked with a hopeful look in her eyes. 

"I don't know!  Are you sure that it's alright with your family?" asked Severus nurvously.

"Severus if it weren't okay with our family my sister wouldn't have asked you to join us." said Lucius as he entered the common room and plopped down on the sofa on the other side of his sister and her friend.

"Besides, our parents always throw these boring parties and expect for us to attend. It would be nice if my little sister had a friend to make the party more fun for her." said Lucius thoughtfuly.

"Okay, as long as your parents won't mind, I guess I'll go home with the two of you." said Severus gibbing in.  Angel smiled happily.  As they left the school grounds for Hog's Made station James Potter, and his friends noticed Severus.leaving.

"Hay, Snivelous, I didn't know that your parents wanted you for Christmas?" laughed Sirius Black.

"No, no, they don't want him for Christmas, that's why he's being sent to an orphanage this year." laughed James Potter.

"He's not going to any such place.  It just so happens that he's a guest of my family for the holidays.  Perhaps if you were more friendly, I would have invited you and your friends to come, as well.  Oh wait aminute, I forgot no wearewolves allowed." snapped Lucius narrowing his eyes at the other boys.

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