Chapter 8 The Eighth Day of Christmas

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By now Severus was day dreaming about dancing with his mystery woman in his favorite set of dress robes that she had given to him.  He had chosen a dark forest green set of robes with black edging around the sleeves, the stiff colar, and the bottom hem.  Around the black edging was embroidered silver snakes,  He even planned on perhaps pulling his hair back with a silver ribbon.

Severus was now outwardly singing in a soft whisper the song that was taking over his mind.  He was even much nicer to his students in class. which made them al believe that he was under some kind of spell or someting.  Even the staff were now starting to notice his change in mood.  He even volinteered to help decorate for teh Yule ball and teach the Slytherins how to dance, and save Minerva the time and trouble.

Unfortunately there were more boys than girls in Slytherin house, so there were at least six boys that would have no dance partners.  He was about to instruct them to dance with each other, when there was a light knock at the door of the large room that they were working in.  He flicked his wand to open the door, and six girls from Beauxbatons entered the room followed by thier deputy headmistress.

"Ello, Professor Snape, I was informed zat you 'ave an uneaven number of boys to girls for 'ze dance class.  We are in need of a few boy students to 'elp our young ladies learn to dance.  May we join your class?" she asked in her soft accented voice.

"Of course!  I'm glad that I don't have todo this myself." said Severus as he flicked his wand at the gramaphone to start the music.

"Would you mind aiding me in a deminstraition?" asked Severus as he held out his hand to the deputy headmistress.

"I'd be honored." she said as she placed her slender gloved hand into his and allowed him to pull her closer to him.  "Ladies watch my actions very carefully as we move.' she said as she stepped into Severus's arms.

"Gentlemen, remember, your hands are to reamin respectfully at the girl's waist.  If I catch anyone moving thier hands lower, it will earn you detention with filtch and restriction for attending the yule ball." said Severus as he placed his hand tenderly on the slender woman's waist and began to dance aroun effortlessly.

After the deminstraition was over the two watched the students and corrected thiem where needed.   By the end of the day Severus was ready for sleep.  His sleep was undisterbed this night, and he had not dreams until the early morning hours, when the wonam's voice again saing the song in his head..

~Dream Sequence~

Angel Malfoy danced around the family Christmas tree as they helped the house elves decorate. The entire family minus their father.  "On the first day of christmas my true love gave to me, a partrege in a pear tree.  On thte second day of christmas my true love gave to me, two turtle doves, and a partrege in a pear tree." the dream Malfoy's and Severus sang out happily.

The dream whent white, and Severus found himself  at his current age dressed in the dark hunter gree and black robes with the silver snake.  The room that he was standing it looked like the great hall, but it was decorated in white,with twinkling fairy lights all around.  There were darker white shaddows of people dancing and moving around him as he walked through the crowd searching for the voice that called to him.

Then he heard the woan's voice again.  "Severus Snape, you are a wonderful dancer.  I am glad to see that your dancing lessons stuck with you after all of these years.  I look forward to dancing with you, but it is now time for you to wake up, my love."

~End Dream Sequence~

Severus woke up to find his phoenix Angel sitting on his stomach, with a letter in her beak and a large box sitting on his trunk at the foot of his bed.  "I didn't think that I was doing anything special that would make you like me so much." he chuckled as he lovingly stroked Angel's wings and opened the letter.

"Dearest Severus Snape,

I look forward to dancing with you soon at teh Yule ball. I came accross this next gift during my many travels around the world.  and thought that you'd like them and find them very useful in potions. enjoy my love.

All my love,

Your Secret Admirer."

Severus eyed the large package and smiled.  Sure there had been a few gifts that he could have done without, but considering that she hed also given him quite a few rare and extreamly expensive gifts, he figured that perhaps this woman wasn't too bad.  He was even starting to enjoy the holiday season. 

With child like glee tugging at his heart, he stood up from his bed and ripped into the package to see what his lady had gifted him with this time.  as he tore into the box and pulled out wads, and even more wads of paper, his hands came to rest on the lid of a small wooden box with his initials engraved into the lid.  He pulled the box out carefuly and placed it on his lap wondering how to open it.

Angel flashed away suddenly and reappeared in a flash of light and snowflakes with another note in her beak.  He put his box down and took the note from his phoenix and read it eagerly hoping that it was another note from his admirer.

"Dearest Severus Snape,

Please forgive me.  I forgot to include something that you need to open your gift.  Tp open the custom box inside, place your hand on the lid and sing the song that is stuck in your head replacing the original words with the gifts that you have recieved for the past seven days.  Once the box is open you may change the lock password to suit you better.  I just thought that you needed some cheering up this season so hence the password that I've chosen.

All my love,

Your Secret Admirer."

Severus smiled and placed his hand on the lid of the box, before clearing his throat.  He hesitated thinking over the song and the gifts that he had recieved.  Angel the phoenix trilled and it kind of sounded like the first bars of the song in his mind.  "Okay, okay, I'll sing already." he laughed as he smiled at the birds antics.

"On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me, a phoenix and a fig tree.  On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me two tylenium cauldrons, and a phoenix and a fig tree.  On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me three ugly sweaters, two tylenium cauldrons, and a phoenix and a fig tree.  On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me, four kisses on my face, three ugly sweaters, two tylenium cauldrons, and a phoenix and a fig tree."

"On the fifth day of Christmas my true love gave to me, five Gringots keys, four kisses on my face, three ugly sweaters, two tylenium cauldrons, and a phoenix and a fig tree.  On the sixth day of Christmas my true love gave to me, six Slytherin scrolls, five Gringots keys, four kisses on my face, three ugly sweaters, two tylenium cauldrons, and a phoenix and a fig tree."

"On the seventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me, seven sets of dress robes, six Slytherin scrolls, five Gringots keys, four kisses on my face, three ugly sweaters, two tylenium cauldrons, and a phoenix and a fig tree."  As he finished that last verse he heard a click and the lid opened when he removed his hand.  He peered inside to find eight crystal phials filled with what turned out to be  Acromantula venom.  He carefully opened one of the phials and smiled as he realized that his susspissions were correct.

"On the eighth day of Christmas my true love gave to me, eight phials of acromantula venom, seven sets of dress robes, six Slytherin scrolls, five Gringots keys, four kisses on my face, three ugly sweaters, two tylenium cauldrons, and a phoenix and a fig tree." He sang loudly in time with the phoenix's trills joyfully.

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