Chapter 12 The Twelth Day of Christmas

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Severus was now in a fine mood.  He smiled and sang happily as he patroled the halls for naughty students who wouldn't get anything from father Christmas , and even helped decorate the Great hall for the Yule ball, which was to take place thte nest day.  There seemed to be a noticable spring to his step and now every one was certain that he was simply happy and enjoying the spirit of the season.

He retired early that night too excited for the promise of the next day and the meeting of his secret admirer that was soon to happen,.  He fell into a deep sleep and drempt again of the Yule ball.

~Dream Sequence~

He arrived in the great hall and walked through the crowded dance floor on the hunt for his dance partner.  Never mind the fact that he intended to dance in front of the entire school and possibly ruin his reputation in the process, he wanted this.  As a slow waltz began to play he felt a light tap on his shoulder and spun to find what looked like an older more adult version of Angel Malfoy.  She was dressed in a figure lattering shiny silver ball gown with emeralds sewn in around the bottom hem and around the darring halter top neck line.  Her long white hair was pulled back with the diamond hair combs that Severus had sent to her.  She held out her hand demurely and spoke.  "Severus my love, you're still dreaming.  Wake up my darling one, and remember that I shall see you soon."

~End Dream Sequence~

Severus awoke to find this time that his phoenix Angel was no where to be found. A note was sitting on his chest, and the set of dress robes that he had chosen were hanging neatly on the outside of his closet door.  His fine Dragon hyde shoes were sitting on the floor beneath the robes.  He stretched and opened the letter to see what his admirer had to say this morning.  In the back of his head he was wondering where his phoenix was.

He dressed into his robes and dress shoes, and brushed through his shoulder length black hair, and smiled at his reflection in the mirror.  Then read over his letter with a large smile on his face.

"Dearest Severus Snape,

I've made you something special that I know that you will love for your last gift.  Go into your kitchenet and look beside your coffee pot.  There you will find the last of my gifts until later that night, that is.

All my love,

You're Secret Admirer until tonight."

Severus walked happily into his living room to find his phoenix Angel sitting in the branches of the enlarged Christmas tree trilling happily.  He looked around eagerly and walked over to his coffee pot, that was already full of his favorite hot brew of coffee.  Sitting beside the coffee pot was a large platter of twelve cookies that werre shaped like his face wearing a green father christmas hat. 

He poured himself a large coffee cup of black coffee, and sat himself at the small dining table in his quarters with the platter of cookies in front of him.  Then he took a cookie and dipped it into his coffee  taking a large bite, as he chuckled to himself.  He then held up a cookie up into the air and called to his phoenix.

"Angel, come and have a cookie with me." he said as he wiggled the cookie in the air invitingly.  Angel flapped her wite wings and flew over his head snatching the cookie on the fly, before she landed gracefully on the other side of the table.  He laughed as the phoenix held the cookie in one tallon and pecked at it taking small bits off of it with each peck. 

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