Chapter 6 The Sixth Day of Christmas

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Severus was in a wonderful mood by now and was wondering exactly who his admirer could be.  It was apperant that they were not a student, becuase he just couldn't see a student kissing him or giving him five Graingots volts.  He knew that becuase of the lipstick that it had to be a woman, so he scanned the faces and eyes of every woman that he saw that day for just a hint as to who was responsible for his gifts. 

He preyed that it wasn't Syble Trevlani or Merlin save him Minerva, professor Sprout, or Healer Poppy Pomfrey.  Professor Sinistra or Madam Hooch weren't too bad looking as women went, but the notes did say that the woman wasn't from Hogwarts.  He then turned his gaze upon Madam Maxine her deputy headmistress and the hand full of professors that they had brought with them,

"Surely, it couldn't be one of them.  I've never met any of them until the this year, so how could any of the know me well enough to admire me?" he questioned inn his mind.   As he sat and mused over which lady could be his admirer  his day seemed to slip away.  He slid into bed later that night and fell asleep  In his dreams he heard the sound of a woman's voice singing Christmas carols.  Than he heard the woman's voice calling to him.

"Wake up Severus Snape."

He woke up and looked around to see another note in Angel's beak as she sat on hisknees.  He took the note and read it.

"Dearest Severus Snape,

You will find your next gift in your favorite chair.

All my love,

Your Secret Admirer"

Severus got up and went to his favorite chair.  sitting in his chair was six scrolls that turned out to be Salazar Slytherin's favorite potions to brew.  As he went through the rest of his day, if sang the instant song in his head.  "On the sixth day of Christmas my true love gave to me Six Slytherin scrolls, five Gringots key, four kisses on my face, three ugly sweaters, and a phoenix and a fig tree."

Twelve Snape Days of ChristmasTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon