Chapter 4 The Fourth Day of Christmas

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As he entered the great hall that night for the ugly sweater party everyone gasped when Severus entered the room.  The students all watched as he stalked up the isle between house tables sneering at them all and daring them to utter even a chuckle. He scanned the staff table and found that Lady Angelic the deputy headmistress of Beauxbatons was also wearing something simular to what he had gotten himself stuck in. 

Deciding that perhaps his didn't look as bad as her's did, he took a seat beside her and preyed that he wouldn't get tangled in her wings, which were much larger than his were.  "Ello, Professer Snape.  Did you wake up stuck in your ugly sweater as well?" she asked in a soft French accent.

"No, thank Merlin, but the instant that I put this thing on it sprouted wings and a hailo and wouldn't come off."  he answered looking her up and down critically.

"Zan you should consider yourself very lucky.  I susspect zat zis is some kind of joke played by one of my students.  I was unlucky enough to wake up dressed like this." she said gesturing down at her dress.  Severus examined her dress thoroughlly.

Her dress was a floor length dress that was white with green and silver trimming around the neck line,the edges of the sleeves and the bottom hem.  and her giant white wings were as long as she was tall.  Above her head also floated a sparkling golden hailo.

"Well, at least you're looks good on you with your lovely pale skintone, and your light hair color.  One could easily believe that you were an honest to goodness angel.  Unlike me, I don't fit the look." smirked Severus.

After the awful party was over Severus returned to his quarters and preyed that the gastly sweater would come off.  He pulled and tugged and sighed in relief as the sweater finally came off and over his head.  "Gods Angel, this was a retched day.  I just know that I'll never be able to live this one down.  At least my sweater wasn't as bad as Lady Angelic's though.  I would have hexed everyone in the school if I had been unlucky enough to wake up in this sweater.

He went to bed that night after patrole and drempt of Angel Malfoy again.

~Dream Secqence~

Severus sat alone under his favorite tree beside the black lake and opened his text book as he waited for Angel Malfoy or her older brother Lucius to show up.  He was supposed to go with them to thier home for Christmas that year, and was for once in his life excited about getting to spend the holiday away from James and his annoying friends.

He looked up from his book when her heard the sounds of bells jingling, and looked up into Angel's silver eyes.  Before he could think she lept forward and kissed him four times in quick succession.  The dream went white and he heard the woman's voice, calling to him.  "Severus Snape wake up now!"

~End Dream Sequence~

Severus awoke and stretched sleepily before he noticed his phoenix sitting yet again on his feet with a letter in her beak.  He took the letter and opened it as he patted Angel's head lovingly.

"Dearest Severus Snape,

I am glad that you got a laugh out of the sweaters, enjoyed the tylenium cauldrons, and like the phoenix and the fig tree.  Today I've left for you four tokens of my love.

All my love,

Your Secret Admirer."

Wondering what his admirer had left for him this time, he got to his feet and searched the room.  Finding nothing in his bedroom his searched the rest of his quarters.  Still finding nothing he entered his bathroom to prepare for the morning and the classes that he had to teach that day, and that's when he saw it.

He screamed in shock when he looked into his bathroom mirror to shave.  On both of his cheeks, and on his forehead above each black eyebrow, was a perfectly shaped set of lips.  the bottom lip was green and the top lip was ruby red.  He staired at himself as he turned on the hot water tap and grabbed a rag and some soap and attempted to scrub the lipstick off of his face.

He scrubbed and scrubbed until his face began to hurt, and then threw the rag accross the room in rage.  "What the hell kind of spell is this?  If I find out that the Weasley twins are behind this they'll be in detention until they're graduation day." he snarled.  He shaved and showered quickly hoping that the lipstick would dissappear, but no use.  He had now missed breakfast and was about to be late to teach his first class of dunderheads.

As he exited his quarters into his office he grabbed as many books on enchantments as he could carry and stalked into his classroom with the song yet again stuck in his head.  "On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me, four kisses on my face, three ugly sweaters, two tylenium cauldrons, and a phoenix and a fig tree."

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