Chapter 10 The Tenth Day of Christmas

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For that entire day he sang the song a bit louder where everyone would know that he was feeling perticularly festive..  He even caught Poppy Pomfrey standing under the mistletoe and ran up to her,and placed a feather light kiss on her cheek making her blush with shock and disbelief.  "Severus, what has gotten into you, lately?  Smiling, humming, and singing christmas carols, and now you kiss me under the mistletoe..  Are you feeling ill?" asked Pomfrey in concern.

"No, Poppy, truthfully I haven't felt this good in years.  I feel happier and happier every day.  Surely it's not a crime for me to enjoy the holiday season?"  smiled Severus as he yanked a sprig of mistletoe from the wall and held it over Minerva's head as he placed a chaced kiss on her cheek as well shocking her into stunned silence, before skipping down the hall singing happily once more.

Both witches gave each other puzzled and stunned looks before walking on into the great hall.  Later that night Severus sat up for a while reading no old muggle book full of christmas storys.  He leaned back in his favorite chair thinking about the good times that were few and far between, when his mother would make him a special breakfast of pancakes shaped like snow men that were covered in powdered sugar and topped with little pieces of chocolate for the buttons and eyes, and a red cherry for a nose.

He fell fast asleep and could swear that he heard a woman's voice humming the tune that was now so stuck in his head that he sang it for everyone to hear. in a soft voice.  He woke up to find his phoenix Angel sitting on his sholder trilling the tune to the song happily with a note in her beak from his admirer.

"Dearest Severus Snape,

I wanted to give you something that you can use in your personal potions ingredients garden.  Therefore you should go to your personal garden.  There you will find a plant that I believe that you have been lacking.

All my love,

Your Secret Admirer."

Severus jumped out of his chair and grabbed his winter cloak before exiting his quarters and heading into his personal lab.  Once he was in the lab he ran up the spiraled staircase that led to his personal garden, and looked around eagerly.  To his surprise there was another greenhouse added to his guarden.  Inside of the green house was ten Venomous Tentacula plants in thier own little clay pots.  Around each pot was tied a green and silver silk ribbon.

He entered the green house and happily watered the new plants as he sang his favorite new song.  "On the tenth day of christmas my true love gave to me, ten Venomous Tentacula, nine, basilisk fangs, eight phials of acromantula venom, seven sets of dress robes, six Slytherin scrolls, five Gringots keys, four kisses on my face, three ugly sweaters, two tylenium cauldrons, and a phoenix and a fig tree."

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