Chapter 7 The Seventh Day of Christmas

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Severus's mood was improving every day that he recived a new gift from his secret amirer.  He was starting to wish that he knew who she was so that he could ask her to attend the Yule ball with him.  Granted he wasn't much of a dancer, but he would make an effort since the woman was going out of her way to make him happy.

He coulden't wait to get back to his quarters to read over Slytherin's scrolls and brew the potions.  He smiled for the entire day as he thought of what he would discover the entire day, which managed to shock and surprise the students and the other staff, because he seemed even more happy,   As his patrole came to an end he retired to his rooms and read over the scrolls.  Some of the potions needed rare ingredients that he regretable did not have in his personal stores. 

He sighed and put his scrolls away as he slid into his be for the night.  As sleep took hin, the song sang on in his head.  and the woman's voice stopped singing, to address him.  "Severus, wake up my love!"

Severus awoke to find Angel purched on his wrist as it lay on his bed.  In her beak was yet again a note.  At the foot of his bed there was seveb large flat boxes wrapped in green paper with silver ribbon.  He opened the note and read .

"Dearest Severus Snape,

I love to dance.  I would love to see you in some other color beside black.  Since the Yule ball is drawing near, I figured that you should have a choice in some nice dress robes.  Don't look for me, I promise that I'll come to you.

All my love,

Your Secret Admirer."

Severus rolled off of his bed and ripped into the seven boxes one at a time placing each of them onto a hanger and hanging it so that he could see them all.  All of the robes were in various shades of green with either black or silver trim and embroidery.  They were all made of the finest silk.  He liked them all and was going to have a hard time choosing which one that he wanted to wear. 

As he went through his day his smile grew larger, and he hummed the song that was stuck firmly in his head loud enough for others to hear him. "On the seventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me, seven sets of dress robes, Six Slytherin Scrolls, five Gringots keys, four kisses on my face, three ugly sweaters, two tylenium cauldrons, and a phoenix and a fig tree."

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